R&D Ispra position on 21/11 action
R&D Ispra has decided to join, together with the other trade unions, a common action in defence of the European project, of the Institutions and the European Public Service. This action, in Brussels, will have as a result a demonstration en masse in front of the Council against the cut of €80 billions on the total 2014-2020 budget and a strike on the afternoon of the 21st November so as to let the maximum number of colleagues to take part in the rally.This is a compromise to support a joint action - actually R&D, together with some other trade unions, would have preferred to give support only to a demonstration in favour of the European Project. In our opinion the proposed cut to the administrative expenditures – as currently laid down by the Council – does not justify the use of extreme measures such as a strike.
On the other hand some trade unions were strongly willing to support a day-strike by focusing on the 500 million Euro proposed cut on Chapter V of the Multiannual Financial Framework.
This result is then the consequence of a mediation aimed to maintain the unity amongst all the unions in Brussels and in Ispra (as well as in all the other sites and Institutions).
As far as Ispra is concerned, we have decided to hold a rally at 12.30 at the JRC main entrance, at the same time of the rally in Brussels in front of the Council.
You don't have to join the strike to take part in the rally. A strike remains ultimately an individual choice that can be carried out in different ways ("classical" strike, declaring to be on strike while working, etc..)
R&D Café: join us and have your say!
Contract Agents
Correction Coefficient
Future of the JRC
Reform 2013
Staff Policy
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Your R&D representatives are currently working on several topics of importance to the staff and the future of the JRC.
We would like to inform you about the status of these issues, and at the same time receive your feedback about them.
To this end we have planned a series of informal encounters in which your R&D colleagues dealing with each topic will
present the latest developments after which the floor will be open for comments and discussion. And then a coffee!
We would like to inform you about the status of these issues, and at the same time receive your feedback about them.
To this end we have planned a series of informal encounters in which your R&D colleagues dealing with each topic will
present the latest developments after which the floor will be open for comments and discussion. And then a coffee!
In order minimise the disruption to your work schedules, we have planned the meetings from 13:00 to 13:45.
Reform: what is happening to our staff regulations? 22/11/12 – Amphitheatre (bdg.36)
ACGH: from Grantholder scheme to AC contracts 05/12 /12 - Room 3 (bdg.36)
Correction Coefficient: latest developments 11/12/12 - Amphitheatre (bdg.36)
European School and attractiveness of the JRC Ispra 02/13 – date and venue tbc
Research at the JRC: possible future scenarios 02/13 – date and venue tbc
Reform: what is happening to our staff regulations? 22/11/12 – Amphitheatre (bdg.36)
ACGH: from Grantholder scheme to AC contracts 05/12 /12 - Room 3 (bdg.36)
Correction Coefficient: latest developments 11/12/12 - Amphitheatre (bdg.36)
European School and attractiveness of the JRC Ispra 02/13 – date and venue tbc
Research at the JRC: possible future scenarios 02/13 – date and venue tbc
Future topics for next meetings:
Ispra site, Administrative burden, Trade unions' role
Ispra site, Administrative burden, Trade unions' role
We want to listen, inform and act!
We are really looking forward to a large turnout: please invite your colleagues too! We remind you the Secretariat is always open if you want to pass by personally.
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