Our R&D Helpdesk Team advises you at all stages of the evaluation and promotion exercise. Our CDR helpdesk is free of charge and available to both R&D members and non members.

On 24th June you will find in SysPer2 the list of staff proposed for promotion by your DG. At that time, you will have the possibility to file an appeal against non-promotion.
If you have a question do not hesitate to ask an expert of our Helpdesk team: drawing our attention to your specific situation will help us to better defend your case.
R&D Help Desk tel. 9645 e-mail: jrc-rd-ispra@ec.europa.eu
At the following links you can find guidance and assistance through the various steps of the evaluation and promotion exercise:

Agenda for promotions 2014

19 May to 11 June
Staff reps meet with all Directors General to discuss their upcoming promotion proposals
Every DG discusses their original proposal with a delegation from the Central Staff Committee in a series of confidential meetings. Staff reps, in turn, propose changes where applicable to:
a) correct possible errors
b) improve the promotion list proposals
These meetings also allow Staff reps to collect information for their work in the Promotion Committees
24 June
Promotion Proposals 2014 of each DG communicated to staff through SysPer2
Proposals for promotion are available in Sysper2
2 July (5 working days from 24 June)
Introduction of an appeal against non promotion in SysPer2. Justified absences postpone the deadline
Appeals are possible only against non-promotion of colleagues who are eligible for promotion (2 years since their last promotion), and have to be substantiated. R&D elaborates a set of templates for the most common reasons of unsatisfaction that may justify an appeal
8- 17 September
Joint Preparatory Groups of the Promotion Committees AD and AST prepare the files for the Promotion Committee plenary sessions.
The working groups AD and AST examine appeals filed by colleagues. The outcome is passed to the Joint Promotion Committees
End of October
Joint Promotion Committees AD and AST meet in plenary sessions to discuss the proposals of the Preparatory Groups.
The Joint Promotion Committees will examine the recommendations of the Preparatory Groups. The Joint Promotion Committees have a quota of 5% of all promotions at their disposal. R&D Experts take part in these Committees to defend staff interests
Decision and publication of final promotion list
The final list of staff promoted is published in an administrative notice by the Director General for Human Resources, on the basis of the proposals elaborated by the Joint Promotion Committees.
Payment of promotions
The promotions become effective retroactively, for most colleagues as of 1st January 2014 (there are exceptions). Another promotion list of ‘late cases’ is usually published in the middle of the following year – 2015 in this case – for example where colleagues still have time until the end of the year to prove their 3rd language requirement.

You can find hereafter our most recent posts about the present and past CDR exercise