Appeal against non proposition for promotion
Today propositions for promotion have been published in SysPer2.
You have now 5 working days to introduce an appeal if you think you were unjustly not proposed for promotion, although you fulfill all criteria according to Article 45 of the Staff Regulations with regard to:
- seniority in grade
- merits as reflected in your evaluation report
- responsibilities
- languages used in the service
Although each situation is different, R&D has listed some of the most typical cases that might give you reason to file an appeal with the Promotion Committee. You can download the templates in Word format and use them to prepare your text.
How to use the templates for appeal?
- Keep it short and to the point (1 page maximum)
- Bear in mind that the Promotion Committees have access to your evaluation and promotion file
- you therefore do not need to repeat details that become clear from them
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R&D congratulates the happy "clients" from cabinet BARROSO, TAJANI, FULE and REDING (link) on their recent appointment as Director or Advisor and would like to offer them a gift: a parachute with their initials embroidered with gold thread.
Enough is Enough! While thousands of young officials will fail the internal competitions, while thousands of civil servants AST9, AD12 and AD13 see their career frozen, officials from the Cabinets are showered with arbitrary promotions (AD12 and AD13 too) and cosmetic Director positions (including, believe it or not, a jump of several AD grades) !
R&D demands the immediate withdrawal of these appointments, the final provocation of Barroso Commission which has done one and only thing in the last 10 years: destroy the trust of Europeans and European officials in their Institutions, as evidenced, yet again, by the last European Parliament election!
Harmonised application of Flexitime rules: follow-up
On the occasion of the entry into force of the new Commission decision
on working time, we wrote a message to theDirector of JRC Human Resources in order to make him aware of the
incoherent application of flexitime rules at JRC
Our request aimed at obtaining a clear definition of what the new rules
permit and what they exclude, so as to avoid misinterpretation and
misunderstanding from both staff and the hierarchy. In particular, we gave the
example of AST9/AD9 or higher grade officials wishing to take a full day of
leave (composed of a half-day of normal holidays plus a half-day of flexitime
recuperation), who apparently can do so - or not - depending on the Unit they
are working for.
From the answer we received, we can confirm
that a half-day of recuperation can in fact be combined with a half-day of
holidays, taking into account service needs.
We also obtained the undertaking that the issue will be discussed during
the next Directoire, in order to harmonise the application of rules across the
whole JRC.
Don't hesitate to contact us in case you feel that the rules are not
correctly applied in your case.
Ispra transport plan: your opinion counts!
Today during the LSC Plenary meeting, the Head of the Assets and Logistics Unit, together with the Ispra Transport Officer, gave an overview of the activities of the department and answered some questions related to transportation and access. A document containing some innovative ideas for possible future improvements is under preparation. A draft may be found at this link.We would be grateful if you could find time to have a look and give us any comments or suggestions that we will pass on to the concerned service.
Art. 90 against salary adjustment 2011 and 2012
UPDATE 6th June: The template will be made available in a few days, due to some changes to the original text decided during the conference with our lawyers.A template to lodge an appeal against the refusal to apply the salary adjustment for 2011 and the limitation to 0.8 % of the salary adjustment for 2012 has been prepared and will be made available tomorrow.
Our lawyers will present the template and will answer to questions and requests for clarification on Friday, 6 June 2014 from 12:30 to 14:30 (videoconference) – CLP room (Bdg. 63).
At this meeting, we will also make a first assessment of our appeal against the Reform 2014 and analyse with you the best way to proceed.
The website – developed thanks to the efforts of our R&D colleagues in Ispra - has already received more than 25,000 visits of colleagues from all institutions and agencies. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRUST!
Do you have questions about your personal situation?
Expert teams are at your disposal within each institution.
Direct link to Art. 90
Contract Agents: extension of their contracts
One of the changes brought by the new Staff Regulations is the extension of the maximum duration from 3 to 6 years of the period of employment for Contractual Agents type 3b.While contract extensions or renewals are not automatic and depend on the needs of the service, the new possibility to extend these contracts beyond 3 years naturally creates some legitimate expectation.
We believe that our CA colleagues and their families deserve respect, and have the right to avoid last moment planning of their professional and private lives.
Unfortunately, we have been informed about some very late notifications of contract renewals, causing uncertainty and frustration in our CA colleagues.
Therefore, we sent a message to the Unit in charge of these administrative procedures asking for the provision of contract renewals (or non-renewal notifications) to CAs no later than 3 months before the expiration of their current employment period.
At this link, you can find the answer given by the "Recruitment and Training" Head of Unit, giving space to a positive follow-up of our request.
During this transition phase before the new procedure is implemented, R&D is available to assist Contract Agents who are facing problems with the renewal of their contract - or simply looking for more information.
In a continuous effort to improve our communication, we are in the process of phasing out the sending of "Voice" messages to all staff. Instead we invite you to subscribe to our targeted content
newsletters, depending on your preference. Subscription to our
newsletters is free: if later on you change your mind or
are no longer interested, you can easily unsubscribe by simply clicking the ad hoc link provided in each of
our messages.
Additionally, you can get our Press Review alerts by subscribing to our dedicated mailing list: be always informed about press articles which are relevant for the JRC!
Promotions: many doubts...
Why DGs with officials having more than 10 years seniority in their grade receive 0 possibilities for promotion in that grade ?Why DG ** , with 42 officials having reached the expected seniority in their grade, receives only 23 possibilities for promotion for that grade ?
Why, in that same grade, DG ## receives 9 more possibilities for promotion than officials having reached the expected seniority ? Why DG ## can reward with fast promotions officials with high merits, while DG ** cannot even propose for a normal promotion almost 20 good officials, in that same grade ?
Why, in another grade, DG %%, receives 3 times more possibilities for promotion than officials having reached the expected seniority (ie almost as many as the number of eligible officials in the grade) ? Why, in that same another grade, DG ++ receives less promotions than officials having reached the expected seniority ?
Why all AD12 and AD13 from the Cabinets, included those that are not head (or deputy head) of Cabinet, are eligible for promotion ?
Why DG HR delays, delays, and delays again the launch of the exercise for AST9, AD12 and AD13 excluded from the current promotion exercise ?
Why DG HR did not answer the note sent by the Central Staff Committee, more than a month ago, asking for clear answers on those points and many others ?
Why ….. so many questions and …. 0 answer from DG HR ?
You, we, all of us, deserve explanations. R&D kindly asks all Directors General to add this point to the agenda of the next meeting they will have with DG HR, hoping they will get the answers R&D and the CSC could not get so far.
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