Schulz flashes red light for Juncker: Put in sustainability
European Parliament President Martin Schulz has sent a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, urging the European Commission President-elect to include sustainable development in the portfolio of Jyrki Katainen, responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness.R&Drive: easily renew your italian driving licence
Cost: 100€ (instead of 120€) for our members and their families (medical visit excluded / 25€ for cat. A/B - 40€ for cat C))
Documentation needed: Foreign driving licence, identity card, codice fiscale, 3 passport photo
The medical visit is compulsory. Appointments are available on Mondays (17:00-18:00 and Fridays 17:30-18:30).
Via al Lido 5 - 21026 Gavirate VA
Phone 0332 730203
This video explains all details of the new procedure to renew driving licences in Italy. It is provided as complementary information to understand how it works "behind the scene". R&D and Studiozeta will take care of all the paperwork. You only need to provide your passport photo and present at the medical check (previously booked at our secretariat).
LE SCADENZE – Il tempo di rinnovo varia a seconda dell’età del patentato e del tipo di patente di guida. In particolare, per quanto riguarda le patenti A, B e B-E, per i soggetti di età inferiore ai 50 anni la validità è di 10 anni; per quelli dai 50 ai 70 anni è di 5; per quelli dai 71 agli 80 anni è di 3 e per i soggetti ultra-ottantenni è di soli 2 anni. Per le patenti C e D, invece, fino ai 65 anni la validità è di cinque anni, oltre i 65 anni di 2 anni e dopo i 68 anni la patente D viene declassata a C.
LE SANZIONI – Basta “sforare” di un giorno la data di scadenza per andare incontro al ritiro della patente e a una sanzione economica che va dai 148 ai 594 Euro. Per chi viene sorpreso a circolare dopo 3 anni dalla scadenza, invece, scatta l’obbligo di sostenere nuovamente l’esame teorico e pratico.
For more information, don't hesitate to contact our secretariat at 9645 or
R&Drive: Driving licence and car registration for foreigners

Cost: 100€ (instead of 120€) for our members and their families (taxes and medical visit included).
The cost depends on the number of KWatts (engine power).
Non-EU driving licences
Career blockage for colleagues at grades AST9 and AD12
The appeals concerning career blockage for colleagues at grades AST9, AD12 and AD13 is being finalised.Whirlpool /BEK Outlet for our Members
R&D members are entitled to make purchases at the Whirlpool/BEKO Factory Outlet of Cassinetta di Biandronno!*
Special offers are also periodically available.
At the Whirlpool/BEKO Factory Outlet, our members can find discounted household appliances (up to 50%) of the following brands:
The Whirlpool /BEKO showroom is open to public for visits. You will be able to purchase articles for sale by showing your JRC badge and informing at the counter that you are an R&D member, with which Whirlpool has an active agreement. For further info you can contact the R&D Secretariat by phone 0332-78 9645 or by email:
* Open from Tuesday to Saturday, 9.00-12.30 / 13.30-17.45
Street view @ Whirlpool
New Commission: Bad news for research and innovation?
Read the full article (Source: Science|Business)
Role and positioning of the Joint Research Centre within the Commission
New Commission Structure - JRC moved to Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship
The structure of the new Commission is now available.The Joint Research Centre has been moved under the the responsibility of Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship.
You can find more details in the letter sent by President Juncker to our new Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
Abstract from the letter:
Assessment of individual rights at Ispra
Internet access at the lodgings
As you probably remember, last year we strongly supported the provision of Internet access to our temporary lodgings.We are happy to inform you that, also thanks to our insistence, this long standing request has finally been answered.
In fact, since a few weeks and as a temporary solution, devices providing UMTS Internet access have already been made available to newcomers upon their arrival in the lodgings.
In parallel, B7 and C4 Units are working intensively on a more permanent cable based solution, implementation of which is expected in the coming months.
R&D Ispra wishes to thank all those who have provided their active support to this project, especially our Director General, OIB, members of COPAS, and the B7/C4 Units and respective Directorates.
Our secretariat is always available to offer support to any new users who may need assistance with the activation of the device, or indeed with any other aspects related to their arrival in Ispra.
We would appreciate any comments and suggestions from those who have already benefitted from the UMTS service, so that we can report to our administration any eventual issues or ideas for improvement.
Meanwhile, we will continue to monitor the situation until the permanent service will be fully in place, and we will inform you accordingly.
R&Delivery for our Members
Have you ever waited for a parcel, but nobody was present at home to collect the parcel for you?
(**) You can find the service conditions at the bottom of this page. For more info, see our FAQ
To take advantage of this service, simply follow these steps:
① - Buy
Do your online shopping, and set the delivery place as follows:
Name Surname c/o "Il Globo"
Via Fermi, 492
21020 Cadrezzate (VA)
If you wish us to collect your delivered items on your behalf, you can set the delivery place as follows:
Raffaella Morellini c/o "Il Globo"
Via Fermi, 492
21020 Cadrezzate (VA)
You will then have the possibility to collect your parcels at our secretariat, at your earliest convenience!
- Your name and surname
- The name of the supplier of your order
- Your mobile phone number
- Your chosen place of delivery (if you don't specify, the default is "Il Globo")
- In case you need it, specify your wish to have your parcel(s) collected by us on your behalf (in this case, remember to set "Cristina Radi c/o Il Globo" as delivery place)
- The approximate size of the package(s): small, medium or large (according to the examples below)
CDs, books, watches, smartphones, shoes,...Medium
21" screens, tablets, notebooks, briefcases,...Large
32" screens, desktop PCs, suitcases,...
Each individual collection consumes one credit.
Unless you requested us to collect your parcels on your behalf, remember to bring with you a copy of the confirmation message and your ID document.
Example of message
Il pacco che ti ha spedito Supplier è pronto per essere ritirato presso Il Globo!
Stampa questa email e portala con te per il ritiro!
Punto di ritiro: Il Globo
Indirizzo: Via Fermi 21020 Cadrezzate, Italia
Tel: 0123456789
Orari: Lun -> Ven: 07:00 - 20:00 Sab e Dom: chiuso
Spedizione segnalata il 20-08-2014
Codice spedizione: U1122334455667788
Stampa e firma questa email e consegnala al punto di ritiro IndaBox indicato.
Mittente: Supplier
Questa e' una spedizione pre-pagata!
Ricevuta e conferma di consegna:
Confermo di aver ritirato la merce ed aver trovato i colli in stato integro e ben sigillati.
You can find additional information by consulting our FAQ!
1) Payment
No contrassegno!
Be sure that all products and associated costs are entirely paid and nothing else is due.
In case of "pagamento in contrassegno", the delivery will be refused!
2) Size
NO illegal or bulky goods!
It is therefore impossible getting too bulky or heavy items delivered to Indabox collection points.
The collection point will reject the delivery!
It's of course forbidden to send goods against the law.
3) Origin
European Union only!
In fact, this kind of deliveries often require additional costs charged to the recipient.
The collection point will not anticipate any amount and will refuse delivery.
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