Latest news on the Correction Coefficient
The final value of the Varese 2014 Correction Coefficient can be
It will increase from 92.8% to 93.1%.
This is a very small increase, but we are better off than our colleagues
that fall upon the Rome CC which fall from 104.4 % to 100.4%.
Similarly, the coefficient for the Italian pensioners decreases from
97.9% to 94.5% (however, for the pensioners a lower limit of 100% applies).
The Varese CC didn’t decrease thanks to the revision of a past price
survey that turned more favourable to us.
The +0,3% adjustment will be applied retroactively to our salaries since
July 2014 and will be paid with our December salary slip.
This will come on top of the pension contribution rate adjustment
link to our website), also to be paid in December.
Finally, the General Court of the European Union will deliver its
sentence on our appeal against the 2010 Varese Correction Coefficient next week
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