Human(e) resources at the JRC
R&D firmly believes that properly resourced and flourishing experimental facilities are essential to the fulfilment of the mission of the JRC. However, it appears that laboratory facilities of JRC are currently the subject of staff cuts even as the future JRC scientific strategy is being discussed.R&D has recently been contacted by some colleagues concerned about their future role - R&D always believes in maintaining an open and constructive dialogue with the hierarchy and has already intervened to protect and assist our colleagues. We understand the need to prioritise resources but change must always be managed with dignity and respect for the individuals concerned, at the same time ensuring their expertise and experience is used in the best interest of the service. A roll out of the mobility market, an idea initially proposed by R&D, would be a concrete tool to achieve these ends in cases where changes are really unavoidable.
We strongly encourage you to contact us if you feel you may be affected by any organisational changes and need our help or advice. We can be most effective when we work together to get the full picture. R&D will ensure that no one gets left behind!
Self-assessment: R&D at your disposal
appraisal and promotion exercise 2016 has been launched recently. If you would
like to review your self-assessment before signing it or you have any other
question concerning the procedure, feel free to contact us. Our colleagues will
be at your disposal to answer all your questions.
multiplication rates for guiding average career equivalence for each grade can
be found at
this link.
get in contact with R&D Ispra, please write a
message to our secretariat to make an appointment.
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