Draft Commission decision on working time and hybrid working, including teleworking : we invite you to send us your comments and suggestions!
Draft Commission decision on working time and hybrid working, including teleworking : we invite you to send us your comments and suggestions!
Dear Colleagues,
Many of you have asked us about the Commission's new policy with regard to working time and hybrid working, including teleworking.
You rightly pointed out that it was unacceptable that no formal decision had yet been taken in this respect.
R&D did not limit itself to bringing your request to the attention of the administration, but in order to approach the negotiations in the best possible conditions, we organised a series of conferences with the best experts in the field, which were a great success for which we would like to thank you again. Additional conferences are already planned.
DG HR has finally agreed to our request and a round of consultations with the trade unions on the draft decision on working time and hybrid work will begin on 30 June.
As we requested, this decision will be also submitted to the Joint Committees concerned.
These negotiations will have a major impact on all staff and, in keeping with our commitments, we wish to involve you in this process from the outset and in the greatest possible transparency.
To this end, you will find attached the draft Commission decision which will be submitted for negotiation.
We invite you to send us your comments and suggestions.
We will do this work together and in consultation with our experts in this field.
On this basis, we will defend our positions with conviction at any step of the negotiation.
Our representatives on the relevant joint committees will do the same.
Thank you very much again for your trust !
Cristiano Sebastiani,
R&D alongside AST/SC colleagues!
R&D alongside AST/SC colleagues!
R&D has always been alongside AST-SC colleagues, denouncing the restrictions imposed by the Staff Regula¬tions on their career progression, the discrimination suffered by the impossibility of accessing a procedure similar to certification for AST colleagues, the limiting on grades which may be filled by internal competitions, etc.
These aspects have an impact on the difficulties encountered by all the institutions in recruiting new AST-SC col-leagues, as these posts are, in the first place, affected by the gradual deterioration in the attractiveness of our European civil service, as the Commission has now also recognised.
However, despite our efforts, almost nothing has been done
since 2014 to demonstrate to AST-SC colleagues that the institution is aware of
the difficulties these colleagues are facing.
It is not enough to recall at all times the limits imposed by the Staff Regulations of which these colleagues are ful¬ly aware. The same imagination capability demonstrated by the Commission in other cases must be used.
In addition, it is time to accompany with concrete facts the political commitments for a genuine modernisation of human resources by giving a concrete response not only to the increasing demotivation of AST-SC colleagues but also to the recruitment difficulties in this category.
Moreover, a credible exercise aimed at a genuine modernisation of human resources cannot be managed based on the lobbying capacity of each category and/or through more or less credible surveys by highlighting the num¬ber of responses received, in order to establish priorities, thereby clearly penalising AST-SC colleagues due to their relatively limited number.
More promotion possibilities for AST/SC it is now!
Pending a comprehensive reflection on the measures that can be taken to meet the demands of our AST-SC colleagues, what can be done in the immediate future should not be overlooked.
In particular, the limitations resulting from the Staff Regulations have been encroached by DG HR’s unnecessarily restrictive approach to the quotas made available each year for the promotions of AST-SC colleagues.
Already in the past, the staff representation has stressed the unreasonable and purely bureaucratic nature of DG HR’s approach.
In the context of the ongoing promotion exercise, we regret to note that this unfair situation continues for our AST/SC colleagues.
R&D urges Directors-General to request additional quotas for more deserving AST-SC colleagues through exceptional requests and the Appointing Authority to analyse these requests with the utmost sympathy.
R&D will make every effort to support these requests in the statutory bodies.
It should be remembered that, like the requests to increase the quotas for the reclassification possibilities of our CA colleagues, the budgetary impact of these measures is relatively modest.
It is sufficient to devote to these efforts a more than negligible part of the savings that the Commission intends to achieve through its new building policy.
R&D still and always listening to all staff
In line with its commitment to listen to and to stand by all staff, R&D will present in future communications its proposals to meet the expectations of each category and/or group of colleagues.
Please do not hesitate to share with us any difficulties you have encountered and your suggestions regarding the real priorities to be established for a modernisation of human resources management and organisational behaviour so that together we can put in place a Human Management strategy based on trust, recognition of expertise and actual work done.
Cristiano Sebastiani,
The 24 e-Conferences organised by R&D
We invite you to subscribe to our Renouveau & Démocratie YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2AkYbT-MHbtKCRQXh_IrHw in order to review the Replays already available from all our e-conferences and to be informed of new videos. Subscribe so you don't miss it!
Breaking the isolation imposed by the health crisis was our primary motivation, this is why R&D is organising a series of e-conferences on various topical issues (see agenda)
Human beings need contact, social life, freedom of movement ... This health crisis has swept away these fundamental aspects for each of us in a few days.
So don't hesitate, join us so that together we can break the isolation and prepare, among other things, negotiations on the new HR Strategy!
R&D, by your side and at your service!
16-avr | 13:00-14:30 | S’en sortir avec sa boîte email | Laurent GESSAY, formateur et coach |
20-avr | 12:00-13:30 | Le droit à la déconnexion | Alex AGIUS SALIBA, Député européen, rapporteur de la décision concernant les recommandations visant à la Commission sur le droit à la déconnexion |
22-avr | 13:00-14:30 | Hot-desking et OpenSpace- Politique immobilière de la Commission | Danièle Linhart, Sociologue du travail, Directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS |
26-avr | 13:00-14:30 | Les Risques Psychosociaux et la Qualité de Vie au Travail, de quoi parlons-nous? | Marie Pezé, Docteur en Psychologie, psychanalyste, ancien expert judiciaire |
28-avr | 13:00-14:30 | Nouvelles organisations de travail | Grégory Jémine, Chercheur à l’ENTIC, Université de Liège |
29-avr | 13:00-14:30 | Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT—Workshop) | Irène NOLTE, Coach, praticienne d’EFT/Shiatsu |
06-mai | 13:00-14:30 | Gestion télétravail et enfants en période de Covid | Bruno HUMBEECK, Docteur en psychopédagogie, pédagogie familiale et scolaire |
07-mai | 13:00-14:30 | Europe et diversité—Portrait choisi | Guillaume TOSTIVINT, Conférencier |
11-mai | 13:00-14:30 | Rose bonbon Covid et Moi Regard croisés Sur la pandémie... |
Pascal CHABOT, philosophe, enseignant à l’Institut des hautes études des communications sociales (IHECS – Bruxelles) |
17-mai | 13:00-14:30 | Le harcèlement moral, de quoi parlons-nous? | Marie Pezé, Docteur en Psychologie, psychanalyste, ancien expert judiciaire |
18-mai | 13:00-14:30 | Burn out parental | Bruno HUMBEECK, Docteur en psychopédagogie, pédagogie familiale et scolaire |
20-mai | 13:00-14:30 | Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT—Workshop) | Irène NOLTE, Coach, praticienne d’EFT/Shiatsu |
21-mai | 13:00-14:30 | Développer son énergie au quotidien | Alexandra Saulais, Coach professionnelle |
31-mai | 13:00-14:30 | FINAL CUT - Le récit personnelle lié à la Grande Histoire. | Myriam Saduis, Comédienne et metteuse en scène française |
07-juin | 13:00-14:30 | Le management pathogène | Marie Pezé, Docteur en Psychologie, psychanalyste, ancien expert judiciaire |
08-juin | 16:30-18:00 | Fit @ your desk (workshop) | Lennard LOUISY, Consultant en gestion du stress |
10-juin | 16:30-18:00 | Fit @ your desk (workshop) | Lennard LOUISY, Consultant en gestion du stress |
11-juin | 16:30-18:00 | Fit @ your desk (workshop) | Lennard LOUISY, Consultant en gestion du stress |
14-juin | 16:30-18:00 | Fit @ your desk (workshop) | Lennard LOUISY, Consultant en gestion du stress |
21-juin | 13:00-14:30 | Le burn out, de quoi parlons-nous? | Marie Pezé, Docteur en Psychologie, psychanalyste, ancien expert judiciaire |
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