LSC elections in Ispra and Seville - Oooops! R&D did it again!
LSC elections in Ispra and Seville
Oooops! R&D did it again!
For an unprecedented 4th time in a row, R&D was again the most voted Trade Union in the Local Staff Committee (LSC) elections in Ispra and Seville (17/11/24 – 4/12/24).
AnotherR&Dimension and Seville Voice registered together almost 43% of all votes!
The staff sent once again a clear message of appreciation, trust and confidence to our candidates, recognising their work, seriousness, transparency and dedication in addressing staff issues
THANK YOU! We thank those who supported us, and we will appreciate even more, if those who didn’t vote for us share with us their concerns. No matter these reasons, our battles will continue!
These results consolidate the role of Federal R&D as the leading Trade Union
in the Social Dialogue of the European civil service!
The guidelines for new ways of working, anti-harassment, and missions were discussed at the highest level and implemented in the past three years. We have made sure that the Ispra and Seville site-specific issues were considered and supported the physical visits of the Central Staff Committee to these sites. We have worked in detail regarding the access to the Italian Health system and the understanding of the local coefficient, incl. urgent measures to mitigate the negative impact on staff. In Seville, R&D has underlined its support via the Seville Voice list towards developing the new building and establishing an own Local Staff Committee, which would put this site in the same conditions as the others. The collaboration of R&D colleagues in the Local and Central Staff Committees asserted staff interests towards the administration, avoiding that unreasonable, detrimental to staff, decisions were taken.
We are all the more proud that these results have been achieved without renouncing the common values that constitute the basis for action of all R&D sections. Federal R&D , the first union at the level of all institutions is above all a community of values!
R&D has not worked in isolation! For R&D it has never been a matter of boasting of being the leading Trade Union by dividing the staff representation: we have always JOINED FORCES with all Unions based on an attitude of mutual respect.
Hence, the R&D sections in the different Local Staff Committees extend their sincere gratitude to the colleagues from JRC Ispra and Seville for this remarkable success, which came notwithstanding the challenging timing and political circumstances. In the light of budget constraints, ever increasing workloads and new priorities in the Commission, it is important that we all stand together. These results will add to the ones from the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions, the European Economical and Social Committee and many other Institutions confirming the highest positioning of R&D as the leading trade union of the European Institutions!
Standing up for one set of Staff Regulations for all institutions and places of employment, protecting the rights of the colleagues, the equality of treatment, the transparency of procedures, fighting against abuses, preventing the erosion of the service ... always at the heart of the R&D action.
For R&D, standing up for a scingle set of Staff Regulations and protecting the values on which our civil service is based have never been, are not, and will never be an empty slogan! In all negotiations, we highlight the best practices of each institution and demand equal treatment of colleagues regardless of their institution or place of employment.
Within each institution and in all places of employment, we demand transparency of procedures, we oppose abuses and "parachuting" .... we defend the rights of colleagues by also offering the help of a pool of specialized lawyers to guide, help and serve you better.
Solidarity always at the heart of R&D action
Solidarity being the foundation of our joint action, we do not spare our efforts to assist and defend our colleagues in precarious situations, without ever making deceptive promises, nor playing demagoguery.
All we are saying… is give AST-SCs a chance!
SAVE THE DATE : 03/10 - Cyberbullying: Let’s Talk About It! & REPLAYS
For joining the e-conference click on this
This conference will be held in French - You will be able to intervene in English
Join us to explore the world of cyberbullying and take action to support children and families affected by it.
Cyberbullying is a form of cyber violence characterized by its repetition and duration. It encompasses various actions in the digital space, including humiliation, threats, insults, slander, gossip, rumors (denigration), the use of aggressive or sexually related text (sexting), or the public dissemination of intimate images or information (outing). These actions can have severe consequences for the victims. Whether it takes the form of aggressive instant messaging (flaming) or repeated offensive and violent messages (harassment), cyberbullying often acts as an echo chamber, magnifying the effects of harassment. The immediate multiplication of bystanders further intensifies the impact of violence in an uncontrollable manner.
At this conference, you will learn to recognize and respond to instances of digital space misuse that can lead to harm. We will dis¬cuss prevention strategies, how to deal with cyberbullying, ways to protect our children, and effective actions to address this issue.
Our guest speaker, Bruno Humbeeck, will answer your questions and provide valuable advice on helping children navigate and overcome cyberbullying.
Don't hesitate to join us and ask your questions!
For more information, please contact us by email:
SAVE THE DATE 21/06/23 - Conférence - "TRAVAIL HYBRIDE : les défis du management et du personnel!"
Afin de rejoindre l’e-conférence veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant: | ||||||||
Il faut repenser le lien de subordination dans le monde du travail Danièle LINHART | ||||||||
Le travail hybride, une nouvelle organisation du travail! Le travail hybride fait partie dorénavant de notre vie quotidienne. Il apporterait une meilleure conciliation de la vie privée et de la vie professionnelle tout en s’assurant de respecter le droit à la déconnection. Ce nouveau mode de travail nécessite tout de même un management et une organisation du travail basés sur la confiance. Quels sont les défis que les managers et le personnel doivent surmonter afin d’atteindre cet équilibre et pouvoir travailler en toute sérénité? Afin d ’y répondre, R&D a fait appel, une fois de plus, à Danièle LINHART, afin de nous apporter son expertise! Pour de plus amples informations, merci de nous contacter par email: La conférence se tiendra en français. Vous pourrez poser vos questions en anglais |
SAVE THE DATE - 4 May - THE PICARD CASE _Pension rights
In case you were unable to attend the conference, you will find the complete recording below:
REPLAY – The Picard case concerning the continuity of pension rights
You can follow the conference
by attending : room SPAAK 6B1 (European Parliament) or online by clicking on this link.
You were a contract agent or a temporary agent before 1 May 2004 or before 1 January 2014 and you have been appointed as an official after these dates ?
You were a contract agent or a temporary agent before 1 May 2004 or before 1 January 2014 and you have changed status or you have been recruited with a new contract after these dates ?
You may be affected by the new very IMPORTANT Case Law C-366/21 from 15 December 2022,
the PICARD CASE concerning the continuity of pension rights
Other Trade Unions have conveyed contradictory information to colleagues potentially involved: from the compulsory necessity to introduce a collective Article 90 to the ex officio automatic application of the Picard Case Law to all colleagues in all the EU Institutions.
R&D wants to convey the correct information
and let colleagues concerned ask questions in this regard to the best expert in the field.
This is why R&D invites all colleagues potentially concerned to attend the conference with our specialist lawyer,
Maître Sébastien ORLANDI, the lawyer who won the Picard case concerning the continuity of pension rights after the Reform of the Staff Regulations - for CAs, TAs and those who have become officials in the meantime.
This conference will be held in English. You can ask your questions in French
E-conference 23/11/22 - Supplementary Health Insurance
UPDATE : For those who could not attend the e-conference on the 23rd of November, you will find the replay and all related materials on the following link: e-conference : « Supplementary Health Insurance » – Renouveau & Démocratie (
R&D is pleased to invite you to the e-conference
« Supplementary Health Insurance »
How can such insurance help you in case of extra costs in Luxembourg?
How do you know if such insurance is necessary?
How do you figure out which insurance is best for you?
23 November at 13h-14h30
Serge CRUTZEN - Former Official
Serge co-operates with DG HR to provide accurate information on supplementary
insurance. In an impartial approach, he shall present a comparative study of these
available insurance policies
The - sometimes-limited - reimbursements of the JSIS (ceilings, excessiveness,
exclusions,...) may yield significant costs for you in case of illness and hospitalisation. If you are ill or have an accident during your holiday, some hospitals do not accept the JSIS and require immediate payment.A supplementary insurance could help you avoid this situation. If you wish to participate, please click on the YES/NO voting button attached to this invitation and do not forget to save the dates in your Outlook calendar. To join the meeting you should follow : THIS LINK Should you have any questions, please contact : ****************************************** | ||||
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Le Renard Déchaîné special " Court of Auditors EU Institutions and COVID-19 Special Report" - The Court of Auditors confirms the analyses of R&D and acknowledges the exceptional efforts made by the staff!
Le Renard Déchaîné special " Court of Auditors EU Institutions and COVID-19 Special Report" - The Court of Auditors confirms the analyses of R&D and acknowledges the exceptional efforts made by the staff!

Court of Auditors
EU Institutions and COVID-19
Special Report
In its special report on the institutions' response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Court of Auditors confirms the analyses of R&D and acknowledges the exceptional efforts made by the staff!
The Commission's staff deserves all the institution's trust and has proven that a modern and flexible man¬agement model is the best response to the challenges!
You can find below the presentation slides and documents relating to the conference held on Friday, 24 June on the taxation of international officials organised by R&D Brussels :
Opening and introductory greetings/remarks / Apertura e saluti introduttivi
Cristiano Sebastiani
President of R&D / Presidente di R&D
Gen. (c.a.) Alessandro Butticé,
President of the Brussels-European Union Section of ANFI*
Presidente della Sezione di Bruxelles-Unione Europea dell’ANFI
Gen. (r) Prof. Avv. Pierpaolo Rossi,
Vice-President of the Brussels-European Union Section ANFI and
Counsellor at the Legal Service of the European Commission
Vicepresidente della Sezione di Bruxelles-Unione Europea ANFI e
Consigliere presso il Servizio Giuridico della Commissione Europea
Ten. (r) Prof. Avv. Francesco Fratini,
Brussels-European Union ANFI Section, tax lawyer.
Sezione di Bruxelles-Unione Europea ANFI, tributarista.
*ANFI (Associazione Nazionale Finanzieri d’Italia – National Association of Italian Financial Police)
1. Criteri per la definizione del domicilio fiscale ai fini delle imposte sui redditi e patrimoniali, e delle imposte su successioni e donazioni / Criteria for defining tax residence for the purposes of income and estate tax and succession and donations tax
2. L’Incrocio tra Protocollo privilegi e immunità dell’Unione diritto interno e trattati per evitare le doppie imposizioni / The Conflict between the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Union domestic law and treaties for the avoidance of double taxation
3. Aspetti dichiarativi per Imposte sui redditi; redditi finanziari; redditi immobiliari; redditi da lavoro e da pensione), profili applicativi, fattispecie ricorrenti e chiarimenti di prassi / Declaratory aspects for income tax; financial income; property income; employment and pension income), application profiles, recurring cases and clarifications of practice
4. Aspetti dichiarativi per imposte patrimoniali (IVAFE e IVIE), profili applicativi, fattispecie ricorrenti e chiarimenti di prassi / Declaratory aspects for wealth taxes (IVAFE and IVIE), application profiles, recurring cases and clarifications of practice
5. Dichiarazioni integrative e ravvedimento operoso / Complementary declarations and tax amnesty
6. Attività di verifica da parte delle autorità fiscali: controlli incrociati su banche dati, lettere di compliance ed eventuale ravvedimento / Verification activities by tax authorities: cross-checks on databases, compliance letters and possible amends
7. La tassazione delle prime case in Italia dei residenti all’estero di origine italiana / Taxation of first residences in Italy of Italian-born foreign residents
Modera / Moderator : Gen. (c.a.) Alessandro Butticé
You can now watch the replay of our 50 conferences on our R&D YOUTUBE channel !
More than 16.000 of you have attended our conferences.
Thank you very much for your TRUST!
You can already access all the REPLAY on our YOUTUBE channel !
Subscribe to be notified when a video is published
R&D has chosen the best experts to safeguard your health and well-being
but also to provide concrete proposals based on the expertise of our guest speakers!
You asked us, we did it!
It is more than 50 conferences, in less than a year, gathering distinguished academics, researchers, virologists, MEPs, doctors in psychology, sociology, educational psychology... to inform you, to be attentive to you and to jointly prepare the proposals presented during the social dialogue meetings as well as to prepare our work programme 2021-2024.
YES, this programme is the output of common labour, YOU, the EXPERTS and R&D!
Analysis of psychosocial risk factors (see Renard Déchaîné special Analysis of psychosocial risk factors in our services )
R&D has always called for management to lead by example and to move towards a culture of trust, which is also reflected in Commissioner Hahn’s statements. It is essential to change the managerial culture !
An insignificant and repetitive work content favours, in the long run, the settling of monotony and a loss of meaning in the work, both of which are elements of psychosocial risk. It is necessary to implement the meaning of work
Our mandate is well defined: we are committed to ‘staff unity’, rejecting any corporatist, competitive and divisive approach! The Commission must definitively ban social dumping!
Occupational health then becomes a measure to assess the well-being and working conditions of colleagues.
The working environment is a key element in ensuring the well-being and health of staff. This environment cannot be designed without prior study of the specific nature of the jobs and the conditions in which the work must be carried out
Without a genuine equal opportunities policy, the Commission as an employer can neither be attractive nor enable its staff to evolve. This is why, through its actions R&D was already advocating for this strategy well before the Commission’s proposal
« Management HUMAIN »
Laurent TASKIN, Holder of the HR lab Chair in Management in « Management Humain » and Work Transformation at UCL, Doctor in economic and management sciences, professor of management, researcher
Danièle LINHART, Labour sociologist, Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS*, member of the GTM-CRESPPA* laboratory, UMR-CNRS-Universities of Paris 8 and Paris 10
Eric CHABOT, Coach d’entreprise et entrepreneurs -CBS Partners France
SAVE THE DATES -11 new e-Conferences of the Renard _ R&D
11 new e-Conferences of the
More than 14500 of you have attended
our latest 40 e-conferences
see the « replay »
Thank you very much !
R&D is organising a new series of e-conferences to promote the implementation of a "Management of Trust" as well as for the prevention of psychosocial risks, health and ergonomics
R&D, as always, at your side and in tune with you
We expect much more and much better! The administration must review its HR Strategy paper
At the heart of the Human Resources management
of our Institution!
We expect much more and much better!
“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts”
« Ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est »
Under these conditions, rather than modernising our institution's HR strategy, we risk seeing the implementation of 45 HR strategies.
• R&D has already made clear its total and outright refusal, the adverse consequences of these two office arrangements, are no longer to be demonstrated.
How can DG HR be so ill-advised as to saying that they want to create “a flexible, inclusive and sustainable working environment”, if colleagues move from day to day in open spaces and “hot-desking”, without having been involved in the decision-making process, without having expressed their ideas or wishes and without any involvement of staff representation!
Especially as this is happening in the midst of a health crisis. Here, staff are faced with a fait accompli!
Even worst, the OIB seems to believe that hot desking can work without any appropriate supplies such as efficient IT equipment, notably headset with proper noise cancellation, wireless ergonomic keyboard and mouse… Adding colourful sofas in a corner does not turn an old-fashioned office space into a dynamic workspace.
• The green dimension and the commitment to reduce emissions are compatible with an innovative building policy; no excuse for unacceptable office arrangements.
• Special attention should be paid to colleagues with special needs (disabilities, vulnerable persons, etc.).
• As a rule, no decision on office refurbishment should be taken without prior consultation of colleagues from the DG concerned and the Joint Committee on Prevention and Protection at Work (CPPT). See our dossier
“Focusing on tasks and not hierarchies” - was one of the first messages of President von der Leyen.
Still since decades, the Commission talks about abolishing silos but never walks the talk. Let’s finally do it!
Implications for the managers and for the individual staff member are manifold. Therefore, managerial implications are numerous: raise awareness, offer support, empower, organise and reward the colleagues who deserve it.
Leadership is not only about task distribution in line with organisational strategy and even less “obsessive staff control” of the staff.
Leadership it first of all maintaining a cohesive social unity, building the team and meeting the needs of EACH member of the staff.
Managers must encourage the staff to engage in something they care about, to assume a more personal role in the group, and to be a bit stubborn about an early-stage idea they want to champion.
As a manager it’s not only a matter of appreciating the hard figures in terms of measurements, but also appreciating and valuing new learning and insights generated and put forward by staff.
Hybrid working in the “New Normal”
• Telework and office presence must be put on a truly equal footing and their balance cannot be left to the sole decision of line managers.
• Clear rules must be set at the level of the Commission, DG HR must play a clear role in avoiding inconsistencies and abuses and it is not acceptable that each Director General is allowed to define her/his personal “New Normal’ policy.
Moreover, in many cases, these colleagues are considered ‘critical’ and have therefore been asked to come physically to the office.
The crisis and the lockdown proved that in our new digital era, they can perform their tasks remotely like any other staff member. The imple¬mentation of the new Commission decision must ensure widespread access to structural telework for secretaries and assistants.
• A joint committee responsible for ensuring the proper application of the rules, preventing, and sanctioning any inappropriate decision must be set up. The interests of the service must not be able to justify everything!
A green workplace
• This should also apply to our furniture and office supplies catalogue
Recruitment and Selection
A genuine annual internal competition policy
It is compulsory to set in close collaboration with the staff representation a genuine annual internal competition policy ensuring transparency and fairness of the procedure, focusing on colleagues’ skills, providing real and fair opportunities of tenure for CA and TA colleagues and also enabling real career development for AST-SC, AST and post 2004 AD colleagues in order to finally take into account the level of colleagues’ actual tasks.
A genuine annual internal competition policy is also the only viable solution in order to take into account the concerns of our post 2004 and POST 2014 colleagues.
The professional junior programme must be fully transparent and fully accessible for AST, AST-SC and AC existing staff of all grades, with selection procedure and criteria being non-discriminatory and by considerably extending the current 3 years limit of professional experience (AST, AST-SC and AC staff have more than 3 years of professional experience) eventually with a new professional programme reserved for more experienced candidates.
Ethics is not an empty slogan
Internal competitions and appointment procedures especially those organised only at the end of the mandate of each Commission in order to serve the “parachuting” of colleagues into cabinets must be stopped once and for all.
The external publications of management positions must not encourage cronyism and nepotism: all too often the laureate is known before the procedure is launched and sometimes the “external candidate” is already working at the Commission….
Our mandate a clear commitment to staff unity and a strong opposition to any corporatist approach aimed at dividing staff and, or even worse, pitting groups of colleagues against each other, we must never prevent to provide an appropriate response to the specific difficulties and needs encountered by different categories of colleagues.
To deny the existence of these specific problems and not to give an adequate response to them will strengthen the power of who aim to divide the staff.
R&D alongside with AD’s colleagues
Real career opportunities and career development must be offered to colleagues who do not wish to take up management positions, by making practical use of their skills.
Provide concrete alternatives for colleagues at the end of their careers to enable them to progress and not remain stuck at AD12 grade. Not everyone wants to be a manager; there should be more opportunities to be a senior expert.
R&D alongside with AST colleagues
Stop social doping ! The Commission must duly recognise the value and reward the contribution of ASTs according to the tasks they perform. We are a long way from the motto: the right person in the right place.
It is important to offer more possibilities to access certification, many AST colleagues have been doing AD work for years without any acknowledgement and/or reward.
R&D alongside with AST/SC colleagues
Stop social doping ! The new HR Strategy focuses on three strategic priorities to address the common challenges facing the Commission: attractiveness, recruitment and selection, and career prospects, but it does not bring any new element for the AST/SC category.
The perception of the Commission as an attractive employer varies according to the category of recruitment, and it is certainly not high among AST/SC staff or future applicants.
Providing a career path for AST/SC colleagues is simply a necessity.
This can be ensured by:
• Further increase of promotion quotas :
There are still DGs where no promotion quota for AST/SCs has been granted since the creation of this category.
• Guaranteeing wider access to internal competitions
AST/SC is the only category of officials without any mechanism for moving to another function group (AST/AD). Without access to annual internal competition, they are denied any chance to career development. Colleagues should also be able to participate in internal competitions in order to progress in their current career and have the possibility to reinforce the internal talent pool, rather than participating in external competitions to start a new career. The Commission should invest in the human capital that is already in-house.
• Clarifying the long-term vision perspective for AST/SC and AST
In terms of tasks, there is often no distinction but it is clearly different in terms of salary and career perspective.
The 2014 Staff Regulations normally foresee an evaluation of the AST/SC category within 10 years of its creation. In this regard, 2023 (if not possible earlier) is the year to take on board and eliminate all the difficulties on staff development imposed by the AST/SC category.
Greater mobility must also be guaranteed for instance by opening up the access to posts in delegations)
R&D alongside with CA colleagues
Stop social doping ! Concerning Contractual Agents colleagues, the problem stems first from the establishment plan and the interpretation made by certain technocrats in the Administration, since officials and similar staff are listed on posts (temporary or permanent) and contract staff are only considered as "credits", whereas the vast majority are assigned to permanent functions.
Apart from being very costly, this personnel policy has become humanly and technically unmanageable.
The institution must start by putting in place a real career management system for our CA colleagues with fair and transparent procedures for access to higher function groups and TA as well as permanent officials posts.
Unlocking careers, strengthening social cohesion by "screening" all positions of responsibility would ensure greater consistency and satisfaction.
The grade bracket for the reclassification of contract agents should be reviewed: promotions should be faster, in order to enhance the work of colleagues and strengthen their motivation.
The entry grade for newly recruited CAs should adequately take into account the qualifications and very importantly: the level of responsibility that a given post entails.
The proposal to extend the duration of the contract goes in the right direction and will help to implement a genuine multi-annual policy of internal competitions allowing access to civil servant status with selection tests guaranteeing equal treatment among candidates and the objective charac¬ter of the selection.
For CA colleagues leaving the institution, the Commission must ensure the education costs of their children until the end of the school year.
R&D alongside with the colleagues of representations
R&D has always been on the side of the staff of representations and its representatives went constantly on the spot to be even more attentive to the specific problems encountered.
Thanks to these efforts, it was possible to obtain, the application of working time arrangements for all, the recognition of the years of seniority service of local agents, the resolution of individual cases, the defence of the expectations of the institution’s colleagues to become heads of representation by strongly opposing the massive use of external appointments.
Much still needs to be done in order to rebalance the workload and adapting the means in the representations.
It is crucial to involve staff in the event of reorganization of a representation, to restore true fairness in the financial conditions and to give real career prospects to CAs.
the Commission should propose real annual internal mobility exercises always on a voluntary basis.
Training should also allow for future career development and not only be linked to current tasks.
Performance management
Early detection of talent: this should not become a golden (internal) path to promote buddies. Clear criteria should be defined and communicated as well as a joint committee should be set up.
Poor and unsatisfactory performance: the new HR strategy only talks about assistance for the manager, not a single word to help the colleague!
End of career
The Commission has no end-of-career management policy and there is an urgent need to put it in place. We must put an end to the waste of the added value of the "50 and over" who are too often humiliated by a management incapable of valuing the wealth of all our staff.
Recognition of years spent in the service of the Institution must be rewarded in a more personalized manner.
The possibility of becoming “Active Senior” should be extended, valued and encouraged.