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Self-assessment: R&D at your disposal
appraisal and promotion exercise 2016 has been launched recently. If you would
like to review your self-assessment before signing it or you have any other
question concerning the procedure, feel free to contact us. Our colleagues will
be at your disposal to answer all your questions.
multiplication rates for guiding average career equivalence for each grade can
be found at
this link.
get in contact with R&D Ispra, please write a
message to our secretariat to make an appointment.
Promotion 2014: who won the lottery?
In the last years the promotion exercise has gradually shifted from an administrative
procedure worthy of its name
to a mega lottery.
In order to transform the system into a black box, it was first necessary to introduce a massive dose of unpredictability. We have been unable to find the magic formula governing the distribution of promotion quotas by grade and DG.
Just to give you an example, DG DEVCO received 25 promotions in grade AD10 for only 17 officials having passed their average permanence in the grade, while the JRC received only 8 promotions for 13 officials with an average permanence in the grade.
DG DEVCO could therefore provide 8 fast promotions, while DG JRC couldn't even match
the target foreseen by the staff regulations.
The same situation occurs randomly in
many other grades and DGs.
Because of this incomprehensible distribution, some DGs were even forced to
provide a certain number of promotions to staff with less than 2 year
seniority in the grade (!!).
The winner of this special competition is DG TAXUD: in grade AD7, DG HR
offered them 14 promotions for only 3 colleagues having reached their average
permanence in the grade.
All other candidates, even in lack of 2 year seniority in the
grade, were promoted as well...! This perverse side-effect introduced by the obscure formula applied by DG HR may be perceived as insulting by the rest of staff.
The very same magic formula has also had the effect to increase by 20% (AD) and 26% (AST) the number of appeals presented to the promotion
committees, which have not been put in the condition to give remedy to
this unequal treatment due to the lack of possibilities for promotions assigned to them.
Promotion rates and "Šefčovič guarantees"
The promotion rates established in Annex IB of the Staff Regulations have not been respected in grades AD5, AD6, AST1, AST2 and AST3.
Because of the promotions provided through the famous
internal competitions, whose real purpose was repeatedly denounced by R&D (The Barroso Commission has exceeded all limits!).
Indeed, the cost of promotions of the over 50 AD temporary agents and over 20 AST temporary agents, largely coming from cabinets, was "paid" by the promotion exercise!
Additionally, Šefčovič guarantees
are not met for the 5th consecutive year in grades AST1 and AD5:
while our former Commissioner pledged that 85%
of civil servants in these grades would have been promoted in 3 years or less, reality shows that the
true percentage is only 65%.
Despite repeated
requests from R&D, DG HR has undertaken no action to enforce
the promised rates.
R&D is glad that President Juncker has announced plans to put fairness at the heart of political action.
That's what staff and staff representatives have always been calling for!
This should start with the introduction of corrective measures to stop this feeling of "lottery procedures" in order to return to a serious and fair management of the career development of staff.
R&D is ready to immediately start negotiations and discussions to improve the current situation.
R&D is glad that President Juncker has announced plans to put fairness at the heart of political action.
That's what staff and staff representatives have always been calling for!
This should start with the introduction of corrective measures to stop this feeling of "lottery procedures" in order to return to a serious and fair management of the career development of staff.
R&D is ready to immediately start negotiations and discussions to improve the current situation.
Appeal against non proposition for promotion
Today propositions for promotion have been published in SysPer2.
You have now 5 working days to introduce an appeal if you think you were unjustly not proposed for promotion, although you fulfill all criteria according to Article 45 of the Staff Regulations with regard to:
- seniority in grade
- merits as reflected in your evaluation report
- responsibilities
- languages used in the service
Although each situation is different, R&D has listed some of the most typical cases that might give you reason to file an appeal with the Promotion Committee. You can download the templates in Word format and use them to prepare your text.
How to use the templates for appeal?
- Keep it short and to the point (1 page maximum)
- Bear in mind that the Promotion Committees have access to your evaluation and promotion file
- you therefore do not need to repeat details that become clear from them
CDR: Appeals and Art. 90 complaint
Appeal against non proposition for promotion by your DG:
On 24th June 2014 DGs will publish the propositions for promotion in SysPer2. From that day on, you have 5 working days to introduce an appeal if you think you were unjustly not proposed for promotion by your DG this year, although you fulfill all the criteria according to Article 45 of the Staff Regulations with regard to
- seniority in the grade
- merits as reflected in your evaluation report
- responsibilities
- languages used in the service
Although every situation is different, R&D has listed some of the most typical situations that might give you reason to file an appeal with the Promotion Committee. You can download the templates in Word format ( document ) and use them to prepare your text.
How to use the following templates for appeal?
- Keep it short and to the point (1 page maximum).
- Please bear in mind that the Promotion Committees have access to your evaluation and promotion file,
- you therefore do not need to repeat details that become clear from them.
Complaint Art.90 §2 against non proposition for promotion:
(to be used only after the publication of promotion lists in november 2014)
The deadline for appealing against non promotion is 3 months after the publication of the promotion lists. You will find below a model for appeal, to adapt according the grade to which you belong ( document ). For more information, do not hesitate to contact our R&D specialists.
- See more at:
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