Showing posts with label CLP Elections. Show all posts

LSC elections in Ispra and Seville - Oooops! R&D did it again!


LSC elections in Ispra and Seville 

Oooops! R&D did it again!


For an unprecedented 4th time in a row,  R&D was again the most voted Trade Union in the Local Staff Committee (LSC) elections in Ispra and Seville (17/11/24 – 4/12/24).

AnotherR&Dimension and Seville Voice registered together almost 43% of all votes!

The staff sent once again a clear message of appreciation, trust and confidence to our candidates, recognising their work, seriousness, transparency and dedication in addressing staff issues 

THANK YOU! We thank those who supported us, and we will appreciate even more, if those who didn’t vote for us share with us their concerns. No matter these reasons, our battles will continue!

These results consolidate the role of Federal R&D as the leading Trade Union
in the Social Dialogue of the European civil service!

The guidelines for new ways of working, anti-harassment, and missions were discussed at the highest level and implemented in the past three years. We have made sure that the Ispra and Seville site-specific issues were considered and supported the physical visits of the Central Staff Committee to these sites. We have worked in detail regarding the access to the Italian Health system and the understanding of the local coefficient, incl. urgent measures to mitigate the negative impact on staff.  In Seville, R&D has underlined its support via the Seville Voice list towards developing the new building and establishing an own Local Staff Committee, which would put this site in the same conditions as the others. The collaboration of R&D colleagues in the Local and Central Staff Committees asserted staff interests towards the administration, avoiding that unreasonable, detrimental to staff, decisions were taken.

We are all the more proud that these results have been achieved without renouncing the common values that constitute the basis for action of all R&D sections. Federal R&D , the first union at the level of all institutions is above all a community of values!

R&D has not worked in isolation! For R&D it has never been a matter of boasting of being the leading Trade Union by dividing the staff representation: we have always JOINED FORCES with all Unions based on an attitude of mutual respect.

Hence, the R&D sections in the different Local Staff Committees extend their sincere gratitude to the colleagues from JRC Ispra and Seville for this remarkable success, which came notwithstanding the challenging timing and political circumstances. In the light of budget constraints, ever increasing workloads and new priorities in the Commission, it is important that we all stand together. These results will add to the ones from the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions, the European Economical and Social Committee and many other Institutions confirming the highest positioning of R&D as the leading trade union of the European Institutions!

Standing up for one set of Staff Regulations for all institutions and places of employment, protecting the rights of the colleagues, the equality of treatment, the transparency of procedures, fighting against abuses, preventing the erosion of the service ... always at the heart of the R&D action.

For R&D, standing up for a scingle set of Staff Regulations and protecting the values on which our civil service is based have never been, are not, and will never be an empty slogan! In all negotiations, we highlight the best practices of each institution and demand equal treatment of colleagues regardless of their institution or place of employment.

Within each institution and in all places of employment, we demand transparency of procedures, we oppose abuses and "parachuting" .... we defend the rights of colleagues by also offering the help of a pool of specialized lawyers to guide, help and serve you better.

Solidarity always at the heart of R&D action       

Solidarity being the foundation of our joint action, we do not spare our efforts to assist and defend our colleagues in precarious situations, without ever making deceptive promises, nor playing demagoguery.


LSC Elections - make your voice heard!


LSC Elections - make your voice heard! 

From 18th - 20th of November, all the statutory staff will be invited to vote for the new composition of the Ispra/Seville Local Staff Committee (LSC). The LSC has a fundamental role in the defence of staff rights and plays a key part in the verification of the correct application of the Staff Regulations and other local provisions. Please find here a guide how the LSC elections work.


R&D Ispra will be present as list 5 anotheR&Dimension.


It is of paramount importance to have a strong and reliable Staff Committee. For that reason we are asking to renew your trust in us and support our guidance of the Local Staff Committee that we have had during the last three-year mandate, thanks also to the concrete work of the elected members of anotheR&Dimension. Please find below the list of our candidates and a summary of our programme. A more detailed programme is available here.


The Staff Committees ensure the application of the Staff Regulations. Voting for their composition is a right and a duty of each one of us; don't miss the chance to make your voice heard!

LSC Elections - make your voice heard! Vote List 4 _anotheR&Dimension

LSC Elections 2021
Make your voice heard! 

  Discover our vision : Ispra Heart of Eu

LSC Elections - make your voice heard! Vote List 4 _anotheR&Dimension


       LSC Elections 2021 

        Make your voice heard!

Discover our vision : Ispra Heart of Eu 

Electronic vote at the next LSC elections: we want it. What about you?

You may have learned from a recent broadcast message the negative opinion of the Local Staff Committee regarding the introduction of an electronic voting system for the upcoming elections of the next LSC.
The outcome was 10 votes against, 8 votes in favour, and 3 abstentions.

As R&D Ispra, we expressed our support – and we voted in favour – of the electronic voting system. 

You agree with us? Make your voice heard!
The opinion of the Trade Unions and of the LSC is immaterial. All decisions regarding the electoral process are decided by you – the staff!

This power is exercised in the General Assembly that will be held next Wednesday 25/2 at 11.00: we recommend that you come and support our proposal (English extract - French full version) to introduce the same electronic voting system that is already in place in Brussels.

Since many years an electronic voting system is used for the elections of Staff Committees in Brussels, Luxembourg and EEAS/Delegations, leaving Ispra (and Seville) as the only large site where traditional paper ballot is still in use. This system has proven to be reliable and trustworthy, and it is supported by ALL Trade Unions, including those which  - rather oddly - here in Ispra are against. 

Some more background information… 
A note from the Head of the Human Resources Unit further clarifies the individual position of each Trade Union on this subject:

  • Trade Unions in favour of "easy voting" from your office: R&D Ispra, FFPE Ispra, U4U and Generation 2004

  • Trade Unions against "easy voting" from your office: US Ispra/Seville, TAO-AFI Ispra, Save Europe Ispra/Seville, CISL/FIR, SFIE and ISCA Ispra/Seville

We wish to stress that R&D Ispra has always been in favour of the electronic vote, and never changed its mind! 

What are the advantages of the electronic vote?

  • Each staff member votes from a PC at their workplace – no need to move to the polling station and no more queuing. Each voter is responsible for the confidentiality of his own vote. We fully trust that our colleagues in Ispra and Seville, like those of Brussels, Luxembourg and EEAS, are able to guarantee the correctness of the electoral process. 

  • With an electronic voting system, no void or null votes can be made involuntarily (such as, for instance, the indication of more than 21 individual preferences, or the vote for a list combined with individual preferences). 

  • Results would be immediately available at the end of the voting process, with no risk of involuntary mistakes of the scrutiny and need for recounts.  

  • No more need for the costs of a mission to Seville to seal the ballot box and bring it to Ispra for the scrutiny. 

  • Participation in the electoral process may increase, thanks to the easier access to the voting system.

Let’s show we are truly an innovative Research Centre, and that we are ready for a change - even if we arrive last within the Commission. Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago... to ensure a modern electoral system come to the General Assembly on Wednesday 25/2 at 11.00!

Election of the new Local Staff Committee 2015-2018

At this link you may find our request  - addressed to the President of the Local Staff Committee - for the the launch of the General Assembly. With this letter we also express ourselves in favour to  the use of the electronic voting system.

This time we need you!

R&D has decided to join forces with CISL, FFPE, SFIE, and U4U for the upcoming CLP elections. This means that we have formed and are part of one common list, No.3, together with these trade unions.
Why do we do this?
With the ongoing reform, joining forces and closing ranks is the only way to protect staff interests. This joint force guarantees that the opinion of those who are working in Ispra also counts at the central level, as the above-mentioned trade unions are united in Brussels as well. Europe is in the middle of a very serious economic crisis, and this has a huge impact on the negotiations of the New Staff Regulations. Times are getting tough and there is no time left for petty disputes among trade unions: UNITED WE ARE STRONGER!
Is this collaboration just for the elections?
Our collaboration already started in the past. Among many examples, a highlight was the Art.90 procedure followed by the legal action against the Correction Coefficient; 534 colleagues participated in this action! Our majority will continue this collaboration; open to all trade unions, also in the future.
Why vote for list 3?
Because a united defence of individual rights, the JRC and the European Commission is needed for all staff, at all levels, and should be carried out with dignity and mutual respect. We think that having 9 different trade unions at the Ispra site, is not the best way to defend staff. Our list guarantees a well balanced staff representation for everybody: women and men, with different types of contracts and from different origins and backgrounds are willing to collaborate to defend our common interests at a local and a central level. Attention: just put one cross on the top of the list. This single cross guarantees the best defence for your job security.
What can we expect the next weeks?
We believe that there will be a turbulent campaign. From our side we will distribute some material, e.g. our election programme, which you will receive this week. Please contact us immediately if you don't receive our programme before Friday 9 March. May we kindly ask you to talk to 2 colleagues in your neighbourhood and explain them the importance of a united defence of our work environment at this very difficult moment?
Yes, most important: We do kindly ask you to vote list 3.