Showing posts with label European School. Show all posts

Looking to the FUTURE of the European Schools System drawing lessons from the problems of the PRESENT

The recording of the conference is available here : Renouveau & Démocratie - Antonio Cenini - Looking to the FUTURE of the European Schools System... (

As announced at the conference, we are committed to passing on the hundreds of questions and also the comments posted in the chat during the conference that you have sent us and that we were not yet able to address to the appropriate interlocutors, and to making sure that all the answers are provided.

The conclusions of the first Teachers’ forum held in Parma from 8 to 12 April, with the representatives of the 27 Member States of the European School System, the European Commission, the representatives of students, parents and the teachers of the European Schools who will set up the first “European Teachers' Forum”, are available here : TEACHERS' FORUM 8-9 APRILE 2024 | Scuola Per L'Europa (

As announced, we will be happy to provide you with the final versions of the Action Plan and the Parma Declaration as soon as they are available. 

We are also delighted to confirm that Mr Antonio Cenini has agreed to be our guest at a second follow-up conference to be held in June before the end of the Italian Presidency, in order to pass on any unresolved issues to the Cypriot Presidency to the Cypriot presidency of the Governing Board of the European Schools.   

In this respect, we invite you to keep sending us your questions and issues using this FORM

For any further information, please contact our colleagues responsible for this file:  

Aleksander Kedra :  Marco Pino :

Thank you very much again for your trust and support!

Cristiano Sebastiani,


Parents' Association President: really sure you know the full facts?

In the middle of the voting process, the president of the Parents' Association (candidate at the LSC elections on another list) couldn't refrain from avoiding a "bella figura" by sending a "neutral" message to European School parents.
Unfortunately, instead of getting first-hand information from a reliable and trustworthy source like the R&D website, he preferred to spread outdated information - aiming at contesting the validity of R&D initiative about the Garderie bus.
If he had checked the facts, he would have discovered that the Ispra Site Director on 2nd April confirmed to R&D that:
"The WG came back to COPAS with two main recommendations:
- To address to CASS a request for additional budget; this was done and the response was to find a solution locally, no additional budget
- To discuss with the parents benefiting of this service and to convince them to contribute to the financial support of the service"
For the sake of completeness, we include hereafter the unfortunate masterpiece of the president of AGSEV:

Bus transportation from European school to the GARDERIE
Tue, 14 Apr 2015 14:48:55 +0200

Dear Parents,
We have taken note of a communication in which it refers to bus transportation from European school to the GARDERIE, communication which argues that " the JRC management is ready to support the concept that in Ispra parents will have to pay…" for this transport

This information does not correspond to reality.

AGSEV has followed with deep attention this issue and we can then communicate that when the coop. of transports asked JRC management to intervene, if necessary, to give funds for this service, the Site Management has expressed its positive opinion.
LSC also expressed a strongly positive opinion.
In addition, various trade unions were unreservedly in favour of financing this transport.

As AGSEV we had confirmation of this, through reading of the minutes of various meetings.

We remember that a specific working group has been made in order to propose solutions to the problem, and we are waiting for the results
As Parents Association we are convinced that this transport should not be on charge of JRC staff, as it is an activity of great social importance, given also flexitime changes for JRC employee

We are aware that they are currently taking place vote for the renewal of the LSC. For this reason, we prefer not to mention the name of the trade union, to avoid any possible manipulation of the parents position.

We simply wish to inform you that, in light of the documents that we have read, the mentioned notice of 7th of April, does not correspond to reality.
Of course all documentation is available to anyone want go in deep.

Best regards,
AGSEV President

We cordially suggest that the president of AGSEV stops defending the administration and starts acting in the real interest of staff and parents: in case of need, R&D is ready to provide him all the necessary support.

Transport service from the European School to the JRC Crèche/Garderie

As some of you may already know, the transport service for our children going from the European School to the JRC Crèche/Garderie was in danger of being discontinued this year due to a lack of budget resources of the Cooperativa Trasporti.
We consider this service as socially useful and of great value to the JRC (see the note signed by all Ispra Unions) as it contributes to facilitating the work-life balance of our colleagues and increases the attractiveness of the JRC Ispra site.
We are happy to inform you that, also with the contribution of our R&D representative in COPAS (*see below), an agreement has been reached to use, exceptionally, social credits normally allocated to social activities and sport clubs to support the service and guarantee the transport of children to the JRC Ispra Crèche/Garderie for the school year 2014/2015.
At the same time, we wish to express our disappointment that the JRC Administration has not yet found a sustainable means to ensure the continuity of this service for future years.
We invite once again the JRC Administration (*see below) to actively initiate discussions with all the involved stakeholders in order to find a sustainable long-term solution.

* From the minutes of the 4th COPAS Ispra/Seville meeting 2014 - 30th June 2014:

As requested by DC at the previous COPAS meeting, RK (Ed., Robert Kenny, R&D) presented further information.
He informed the members that the Cooperative had added this extra bus two years ago in order to provide a very important service to parents of children attending the Garderie or otherwise being collected at the Clubhouse. This service is also socially valuable to the JRC, since it allows parents of young children to optimise their work-life balance.
RK reported that this service was added by the Cooperative in the knowledge that it could only be funded from reserves for a short time. Furthermore, the President of the Cooperative had stated that he had already contacted the JRC at the end of 2013 to alert them that they would have to stop the service in July 2014, if a source of financing was not found, but no solution had been identified. It was noted that the Cooperative has never officially requested funding from COPAS.
 In case COPAS will finance the service much information will have to be provided, i.e. the accounts of the cooperative, the bank account and the reasons why the Cooperative cannot afford to pay anymore. RK had also contacted the PMO in Brussels, which had explained that as it stands the PMO cannot reimburse the further costs incurred by the extra bus provided between the school and the Garderie.
The PMO made some unofficial suggestions for a solution which could possibly allow coverage of this service, but RK did not report details to COPAS as it should properly be discussed between the Cooperative, PMO and JRC.
RK regrets that it has become urgent and critical for the continuation of the service that the only solution would seem to be that COPAS agree to grant the funding with no time left to try to find alternative  solutions. 


On 01st August we sent a note to our Director General Mr. Ristori together with some background information concerning the situation of SWALS (Students without a language section) at the European School in Varese.
 New colleagues that are offered a job in Ispra consider the possibility for their children to have lessons in their native language as a key condition for their move.
At the moment SWALS attending the same class in different language sections don't have access to the same didactical conditions and their number is expected to increase.
We are convinced that the European School in Varese can really make the difference for the attractiveness of the Ispra site and is of fundamental importance for the existence of the JRC. R&D will make sure that attention is kept high on the SWALS issue and will urge for a positive resolution of the problem.