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Call for action against privileged recruitments
"Junior Programme"
"buddies first"
R&D shares the anger of staff, but we
do not limit ourselves to simply denouncing the
indecent nature of this programme.
R&D has created an art. 90 template which
any staff member may use to lodge a formal complaint.
- Who can lodge a complaint: any official, contract agent, trainee or other member of staff, regardless of grade or function group.
- Why lodge a complaint: because of the preferential nature of this programme, which does not guarantee a fair and transparent recruitment procedure.
- How to submit a complaint:
==> complete
the enclosed template with your personal data
(fields highlighted in yellow), print, sign and scan it;
==> send the signed scanned PDF to HR MAIL E2 no later than 7 September 2018, i.e. within three months from the publication of the CEI notice;
==> if you wish, notify us that you have lodged this complaint.
We can't blindly pretend that everything is just fine: together, let's put an end to this scandalous procedure!
We invite everybody to join this action and we remind that lodging an appeal is a staff right that can produce no negative effect!
We invite everybody to join this action and we remind that lodging an appeal is a staff right that can produce no negative effect!
Related post:
Promotion 2014: who won the lottery?
In the last years the promotion exercise has gradually shifted from an administrative
procedure worthy of its name
to a mega lottery.
In order to transform the system into a black box, it was first necessary to introduce a massive dose of unpredictability. We have been unable to find the magic formula governing the distribution of promotion quotas by grade and DG.
Just to give you an example, DG DEVCO received 25 promotions in grade AD10 for only 17 officials having passed their average permanence in the grade, while the JRC received only 8 promotions for 13 officials with an average permanence in the grade.
DG DEVCO could therefore provide 8 fast promotions, while DG JRC couldn't even match
the target foreseen by the staff regulations.
The same situation occurs randomly in
many other grades and DGs.
Because of this incomprehensible distribution, some DGs were even forced to
provide a certain number of promotions to staff with less than 2 year
seniority in the grade (!!).
The winner of this special competition is DG TAXUD: in grade AD7, DG HR
offered them 14 promotions for only 3 colleagues having reached their average
permanence in the grade.
All other candidates, even in lack of 2 year seniority in the
grade, were promoted as well...! This perverse side-effect introduced by the obscure formula applied by DG HR may be perceived as insulting by the rest of staff.
The very same magic formula has also had the effect to increase by 20% (AD) and 26% (AST) the number of appeals presented to the promotion
committees, which have not been put in the condition to give remedy to
this unequal treatment due to the lack of possibilities for promotions assigned to them.
Promotion rates and "Šefčovič guarantees"
The promotion rates established in Annex IB of the Staff Regulations have not been respected in grades AD5, AD6, AST1, AST2 and AST3.
Because of the promotions provided through the famous
internal competitions, whose real purpose was repeatedly denounced by R&D (The Barroso Commission has exceeded all limits!).
Indeed, the cost of promotions of the over 50 AD temporary agents and over 20 AST temporary agents, largely coming from cabinets, was "paid" by the promotion exercise!
Additionally, Šefčovič guarantees
are not met for the 5th consecutive year in grades AST1 and AD5:
while our former Commissioner pledged that 85%
of civil servants in these grades would have been promoted in 3 years or less, reality shows that the
true percentage is only 65%.
Despite repeated
requests from R&D, DG HR has undertaken no action to enforce
the promised rates.
R&D is glad that President Juncker has announced plans to put fairness at the heart of political action.
That's what staff and staff representatives have always been calling for!
This should start with the introduction of corrective measures to stop this feeling of "lottery procedures" in order to return to a serious and fair management of the career development of staff.
R&D is ready to immediately start negotiations and discussions to improve the current situation.
R&D is glad that President Juncker has announced plans to put fairness at the heart of political action.
That's what staff and staff representatives have always been calling for!
This should start with the introduction of corrective measures to stop this feeling of "lottery procedures" in order to return to a serious and fair management of the career development of staff.
R&D is ready to immediately start negotiations and discussions to improve the current situation.
Parking for senior management: there is no right way to do a wrong thing...
As some of you probably know, signs above three parking places in the vicinity of building 45 (and nearby the new Bdgs. 100 and 101) have recently appeared claiming to reserve them for Senior Management.
It seems that this provision was established following a disputable addition to regulations proposed by the Road Safety Committee, after their submission to the Ispra site Director last year. This proposal, initially, excluded explicitly any special car parking place other than those for people with reduced mobility, for service cars and for loading/unloading purposes.
R&D has received some interesting and ironic reactions from colleagues, expressing all their disbelief and also frustration about the sudden appearance of these notices without any explanation. R&D would like to share some of these comments, because they show the extent of the gap between JRC Staff and its hierarchy:
• Some colleagues asked ironically to establish a hierarchy of parking privileges reflecting functions - by differentiating parking for Senior, Middle and even Lower management (Project Leaders) - or even banning “external staff vehicles” from the site.
• Another leitmotif was the suggestion of establishing further Senior Management privileges, which communicate effectively the (auto referential) importance of our senior hierarchy. The lengthy list includes dedicated restrooms, priority site entrance, reserved buttons for better coffee at the vending machines etc. One colleague was even concerned about the apparent lack of parking places for Senior Management Service Bicycles (gold-plated of course) - we love this one!
• There was also some creativity in inventing possible sanctions for anyone who dares to occupy a “SM-Parking place”, most of them being copied from medieval books on torture…
Hey, Senior Managers, just to make sure that you understand, this was meant to be light-hearted fun!!! But let’s stop with irony here.
R&D (see our message of November 2013) is seriously concerned about this trend, that demonstrates the incapacity of our Senior Management to keep staff motivation high, especially when staff has been negatively affected by the new Staff Regulations.
In our opinion, this behavior is contrasting with the encouraging signals received from our new Director General, and it undermines his "One JRC, One Team" declared approach.
Moreover it appears that the aforementioned rules have been established behind closed doors, without a clear and transparent communication to staff (the Road regulations published on Ispranet make no reference): shyness or symptom of embarrassment?
We believe that this decision, even if procedurally correct, represents an unfortunate lapse of style. In fact, the subliminal message sent to staff is that Senior Management is taking its privileges too seriously (apparently by giving a higher priority to their parking needs than to those of colleagues with reduced mobility, for example). Not to mention the recently announced "action plan" for bdgs. 100 & 101 (c.f. "For car parking the buildings policy (decided in consultation with the directors of the institutes) is to use existing spaces also not in the immediate vicinity of the buildings…") – it’s a pity that this action plan has now been "carjacked".
We invite Senior Managers to set an example and renounce their reserved car parking place. We will be pleased to inform staff of any individual decision in this sense.
R&D will continue to monitor and expose any indiscriminate proliferation of privileges. One JRC, one Team… hopefully!
It seems that this provision was established following a disputable addition to regulations proposed by the Road Safety Committee, after their submission to the Ispra site Director last year. This proposal, initially, excluded explicitly any special car parking place other than those for people with reduced mobility, for service cars and for loading/unloading purposes.
R&D has received some interesting and ironic reactions from colleagues, expressing all their disbelief and also frustration about the sudden appearance of these notices without any explanation. R&D would like to share some of these comments, because they show the extent of the gap between JRC Staff and its hierarchy:
• Some colleagues asked ironically to establish a hierarchy of parking privileges reflecting functions - by differentiating parking for Senior, Middle and even Lower management (Project Leaders) - or even banning “external staff vehicles” from the site.
• Another leitmotif was the suggestion of establishing further Senior Management privileges, which communicate effectively the (auto referential) importance of our senior hierarchy. The lengthy list includes dedicated restrooms, priority site entrance, reserved buttons for better coffee at the vending machines etc. One colleague was even concerned about the apparent lack of parking places for Senior Management Service Bicycles (gold-plated of course) - we love this one!
• There was also some creativity in inventing possible sanctions for anyone who dares to occupy a “SM-Parking place”, most of them being copied from medieval books on torture…
Hey, Senior Managers, just to make sure that you understand, this was meant to be light-hearted fun!!! But let’s stop with irony here.
R&D (see our message of November 2013) is seriously concerned about this trend, that demonstrates the incapacity of our Senior Management to keep staff motivation high, especially when staff has been negatively affected by the new Staff Regulations.
In our opinion, this behavior is contrasting with the encouraging signals received from our new Director General, and it undermines his "One JRC, One Team" declared approach.
Moreover it appears that the aforementioned rules have been established behind closed doors, without a clear and transparent communication to staff (the Road regulations published on Ispranet make no reference): shyness or symptom of embarrassment?
We believe that this decision, even if procedurally correct, represents an unfortunate lapse of style. In fact, the subliminal message sent to staff is that Senior Management is taking its privileges too seriously (apparently by giving a higher priority to their parking needs than to those of colleagues with reduced mobility, for example). Not to mention the recently announced "action plan" for bdgs. 100 & 101 (c.f. "For car parking the buildings policy (decided in consultation with the directors of the institutes) is to use existing spaces also not in the immediate vicinity of the buildings…") – it’s a pity that this action plan has now been "carjacked".
We invite Senior Managers to set an example and renounce their reserved car parking place. We will be pleased to inform staff of any individual decision in this sense.
R&D will continue to monitor and expose any indiscriminate proliferation of privileges. One JRC, one Team… hopefully!
Internal competitions: the truth will out!
The publication of the results of the AST 3/4 and AD 10/12 competitions has shown what R&D had forecast since the beginning (link 1 - link 2). Although the idea of these internal competitions was originally conceived as a method to alleviate the injustice that POST 2004 colleagues suffered regarding their grading on recruitment, these competitions turned out to be no more than an enormous charade, a masquerade to guarantee/offer permanent AD positions to Temporary Agents in the Cabinets.
Enormous, for it concerns thousands of POST 2004 colleagues, who, once again, have been badly let down.
Charade, for these unofficial "promotions" have simply been removed from the quotas of the normal promotion exercise to allow these nominations to take place.
Charade, for the nature of the selection test and the choice of the questions showed a massive bias in favour of the Cabinet staff.
R&D's critical view on the subject was perceived at first as a smear campaign… but now the truth is out: out of the 40 laureates of the AD12 competition: 15 come from a Cabinet, to which one may add 5 Temporary Agents "linked to a cabinet" and one Temporary Agent working at EPSO… i.e. more than half the laureates on this list!
Guess how many laureates came from BUDG COMP, DGT, DIGIT, EAC, ECFIN, EMPL, ENER, ENTR, HOME, HR, MARE, MOVE, OIB, OIL, OLAF, OP, PMO, RTD, SANCO, SCIC and TAXUD? A grand total of none! Yes, you read it right: zero! Despite the fact that the population covered by this competition in these DGs represented a few thousand potential candidates. While the Cabinets, with only a hundred people, has 21 laureates.
R&D is not here to persecute the Cabinets, nor to deny the merits of Cabinet staff. Through these messages about golden parachutes, the internal competitions, the eligibility of ALL AD12/13 of the cabinets to the promotions exercise, R&D merely intends to defend the rights and expectations of all staff, and not to remain silent on any of the dodgy dealings that we are made aware of. European Commission careers cannot be handled like the World Cup, where the officials would be the audience, who pay dear for a ticket and end up with a slow career, while the phony Messi, Neymar and Ronaldo from the Cabinets get a penalty kick into an open net!
In the midst of this economic, political and institutional crisis, when citizens are being squeezed from every angle, the last thing they need to see is the European Commission following such bad personnel management practices. Not only does this maladministration badly impact the staff, but it also negatively affects the European spirit and jeopardizes the reputation and perspectives of the Union.
R&D commits to contact as soon as possible the new president of the European Commission to ensure that the POST 2004 issue becomes one of the priorities of the new college.
Enormous, for it concerns thousands of POST 2004 colleagues, who, once again, have been badly let down.
Charade, for these unofficial "promotions" have simply been removed from the quotas of the normal promotion exercise to allow these nominations to take place.
Charade, for the nature of the selection test and the choice of the questions showed a massive bias in favour of the Cabinet staff.
R&D's critical view on the subject was perceived at first as a smear campaign… but now the truth is out: out of the 40 laureates of the AD12 competition: 15 come from a Cabinet, to which one may add 5 Temporary Agents "linked to a cabinet" and one Temporary Agent working at EPSO… i.e. more than half the laureates on this list!
Guess how many laureates came from BUDG COMP, DGT, DIGIT, EAC, ECFIN, EMPL, ENER, ENTR, HOME, HR, MARE, MOVE, OIB, OIL, OLAF, OP, PMO, RTD, SANCO, SCIC and TAXUD? A grand total of none! Yes, you read it right: zero! Despite the fact that the population covered by this competition in these DGs represented a few thousand potential candidates. While the Cabinets, with only a hundred people, has 21 laureates.
R&D is not here to persecute the Cabinets, nor to deny the merits of Cabinet staff. Through these messages about golden parachutes, the internal competitions, the eligibility of ALL AD12/13 of the cabinets to the promotions exercise, R&D merely intends to defend the rights and expectations of all staff, and not to remain silent on any of the dodgy dealings that we are made aware of. European Commission careers cannot be handled like the World Cup, where the officials would be the audience, who pay dear for a ticket and end up with a slow career, while the phony Messi, Neymar and Ronaldo from the Cabinets get a penalty kick into an open net!
In the midst of this economic, political and institutional crisis, when citizens are being squeezed from every angle, the last thing they need to see is the European Commission following such bad personnel management practices. Not only does this maladministration badly impact the staff, but it also negatively affects the European spirit and jeopardizes the reputation and perspectives of the Union.
R&D commits to contact as soon as possible the new president of the European Commission to ensure that the POST 2004 issue becomes one of the priorities of the new college.
R&D congratulates the happy "clients" from cabinet BARROSO, TAJANI, FULE and REDING (link) on their recent appointment as Director or Advisor and would like to offer them a gift: a parachute with their initials embroidered with gold thread.
Enough is Enough! While thousands of young officials will fail the internal competitions, while thousands of civil servants AST9, AD12 and AD13 see their career frozen, officials from the Cabinets are showered with arbitrary promotions (AD12 and AD13 too) and cosmetic Director positions (including, believe it or not, a jump of several AD grades) !
R&D demands the immediate withdrawal of these appointments, the final provocation of Barroso Commission which has done one and only thing in the last 10 years: destroy the trust of Europeans and European officials in their Institutions, as evidenced, yet again, by the last European Parliament election!
R&D BXL message "JRC: Could you become a Director some day?"
You might have read the message of R&D Brussels: "JRC: Pourriez-vous un jour devenir Directeur? ** JRC: Could you become a Director some day?"
and you might have tried the links. Unfortunately due to the high number of colleagues trying to click the links, the server went down. We would like to apologise for this inconvenience and ask you to try it again.
JRC: Pourriez-vous un jour devenir Directeur? (FR)
JRC: Could you become a Director some day? (EN)
and you might have tried the links. Unfortunately due to the high number of colleagues trying to click the links, the server went down. We would like to apologise for this inconvenience and ask you to try it again.
JRC: Pourriez-vous un jour devenir Directeur? (FR)
JRC: Could you become a Director some day? (EN)
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