Italian language training lessons

If you are a newcomer and would like to learn Italian,
If you don't have enough time to attend a 4-hour-a-week Italian language course with the "institutional" training,
If you simply need a language course that fits your personal needs in order to improve your own skills,
R&D can help you with individual and personalised language lessons!
The teacher is a native speaking language teacher, highly experienced in teaching Italian to foreigners.
Write an email to we will contact you for an appointment to determine your level and to agree on the next steps (length of the course/date and time, etc..).


Notwithstanding the court ruling T-205/07 of 3 February 2011, the list CAST/EU/27/07 remains valid. For futher information:

Newsletter 1/2011

Topics covered in this issue:
Correction Coefficient
Contractual Agents
Annulment of EPSO/CAST/27/07
R&D language training courses
Visit Sebastiani and Orlandi
Meeting Director General Ristori
Change conference
European School Varese
Feedback training course competitions

Correction Coefficient and Contractual Agents

R&D Ispra informs you about the latest development of two important issues that have major impact on the attractiveness of the Ispra site. These staff policy related issues are the Correction Coefficient and the future of Contractual Agents.
Correction Coefficient:
Finally a real step forward has been made on the issue of the Correction Coefficient (CC). As a follow up of the CLP (Local Staff Committee) meeting with Commissioner Mr. Šefčovič and Dir Gen Mrs. Souka in Ispra and the information meeting with DG HR and Eurostat on 13 December in Brussels, R&D Ispra has reached an agreement with EUROSTAT. We will get the possibility to have a view on how the method and certain raw data were applied to determine the CC for Ispra. This is crucial for the upcoming process to officially dispute the surprisingly low CC for Ispra (art.90). We arranged for an appointment with EUROSTAT to meet on February 9 in Luxembourg. In order to join all forces in this crucial initiative we have invited all trade unions to attend because we are convinced that only united we might be able to obtain an improvement of the situation. Unfortunately not all trade unions have confirmed their willingness to participate yet. We will keep you informed about the developments and the outcome of this important meeting.
Contractual Agents:
There is a new development to report on the future of Contractual Agents. R&D is still one of the promoters of the CA court case against the use of staff with limited duration contracts on permanent post. As you most likely know already the hearing of our appeal will take place the 18th February 10:00 in Luxembourg. If you would be interested to participate in the hearing, you are kindly invited to write an email to our secretariat
( before 29 January.
R&D feels obliged to warn all CA
colleagues to be very careful with all kinds of information that have been spread and will be spread around even more in relation to CA contracts. Whenever Local Staff Committee (CLP) elections are about to take place, the propaganda machines of some trade unions work over-time. Too many promises made during the election campaigns are quite often without any restriction and foundation, and absolutely incompatible with the Staff Regulations in force. R&D refrains from these practises and we are always willing to help you if you feel the need for any clarification considering your contract. While it might not always be possible to tell you what you would like to hear, we will always do our very best to inform you correctly.

Newsletter 4/2010

- CC and future salaries and pensions
- New Director General JRC
- Court decision on the 2009 salary and pension adjustments
- European School Varese
- Implementation plan Corporate Strategy/Support to colleagues

Correction Coefficient Ispra

We are sorry to inform you that the meetings with the Administration and Eurostat haven't led to the desired improvements of the Correction Coefficient.. The Administration tried to assure us that the work was done in the best professional way. But still, we don't accept that the inflation difference between Brussels and Varese is 1.2 % and that at the same moment the CC for Varese undergoes a nearly 5 % reduction. organised in a simple way and the calculation of the CC is no exception to this rule. It is a very complex calculation mechanism laid down in the ・gmethod・h which has been accepted by the social partners in the past. This "method" is not just a simple comparison of the inflation in Brussels and Varese.
What does this mean in practice?
This means a reduction of our salary by:
4,8% (CC 97,1-92,3) + 0,43% (special levy increase)
- 0,3% (pension contribution) - 0,4% (basic salary adjustment)
This in consequence leads to a reduction of our purchasing power by:
4,53% salary reduction + 1,2% (inflation ISTAT for Varese)
The Court sentence on the 2009 Salary Index cut is expected within the next months. Let's hope that the court will take a technical decision and not a political one. The current political situation doesn't really make things easier and the agreements made should be respected by all parties involved but it is obvious that something went terribly wrong and that we cannot stop here.


Even after the concessions made by Vice-president Šefčovič, it was not possible to really go into the detailed data.

The surveys are the professional responsibility of the National Statistical Offices (NSI) and Eurostat, which performs also all calculations

However, we all know that nothing within the European Institutions is

Furthermore, as we have no access to the data used, it is almost impossible to check the calculations for mistakes. We can only formulate questions to Eurostat, which replies confirming that there is no error. We will definitely open the discussion on the confidentiality of the data used by Eurostat. We think that we need more transparency here.

R&D doesn't want to justify the drastic reduction but we want to inform you on what is happening. Of course, nobody is happy with a more or less 5% salary reduction when you live in a place with an official ISTAT inflation of 1,2 % but this is a consequence of the method agreed. This method needs to be revised but you have no credibility if you just claim the highest CC, one year Rome, next year maybe Varese. Also attacking our colleagues in Brussels, Torino or Parma is not going to improve our situation. We are absolutely convinced that it would be wrong to take into consideration the situation of one or two years only. This issue needs a long term vision; quick fix proposals will never be accepted by the administration and could also be very dangerous for the following years.

We are afraid that we might not be able to change much this year but we have to prepare ourselves very well for the change of the "method" planned for 2012 and we have to take advantage of our experiences of today to improve the situation tomorrow.

Lastly, we will have 0,4% increase of the Basic Salary but this will be eliminated by an increase of the special levy by 0,43%. So, in the end we only gain a 0,3% decrease of the pension contribution.

Newsletter 3/2010

- CC/purchasing power
- CC 2009
- Implementation Corporate Strategy
- Meeting Vice President Sefcovic
- Competitions
- New training books