A strong and effective European civil service
Brussels, 28 September 2017
Günther OETTINGER, Budget and Human Resources
Corina CRETU, Regional Policy
Subject: Your position for a strong and effective European civil service, counteracting the perverse effects of staff reduction and the deterioration of working conditions following the statutory reforms
On behalf of all the colleagues who have spoken to us in this regard, we would like to thank you for the clarity of the position you adopted in your “Reflection paper on the future of EU finances” (read):
« Finally, the sound implementation of EU policies relies on a strong and efficient European civil service. Since 2013, the EU institutions have been fulfilling their commitment to reduce their staffing level. This happened despite the addition of new responsibilities, for example in handling the refugee crisis or dealing with security threats, or in the EU delegations abroad. The future EU budget should therefore make provision for a strong European civil service, attractive to talented young people from across the Union, and capable of delivering on the priorities that result from this reflection process. Decisions on future policies and instruments should take account of the impact on human resources.
A further reduction in staff levels could jeopardise the good functioning of the EU institutions. Similarly, previous reforms have reduced salaries and increased working time and pension age. There is clearly a declining interest among young people from Member States with relatively high per capita incomes in joining the EU institutions. While working conditions may only be one factor in such decisions, the trend is clear. (p 24 « Reflection paper on the future of EU finances» )
Finally, a clear position in favour of staff! For the first time, the institution, at its highest level, recognizes the disastrous effects of statutory reforms and staff reduction.
Since 2013, the services are faced with staff reduction while assuming additional tasks and responsibilities. These irresponsible and drastic decisions to abolish and freeze posts have led to an overload of work for colleagues, and consequently to a lack of motivation among staff.
For several years, within several Directorates-General, the watchword and the real priority have been to “pay” to DG HR to whatever condition, the various taxations imposed.
In particular, the services were also subjected to the “excesses of zeal” of DG HR which operated almost exclusively with the calculator, by applying a blind method with an iron fist and by blocking not only the publication of posts and a genuine mobility of colleagues, but also their career development.
On the one hand, it is pretty clear that, in this context, all the propaganda efforts deployed by DG HR with regard to career management policy, talent management, the commitment to always put the right person in the right place, the well-being of staff, fit@work , etc., not to mention the increasingly pathetic articles of self-congratulation in “Commission en Direct”, were perceived by colleagues as real provocations. It is not surprising that in the last “Staff Survey”, only 35% of colleagues confirmed that they believed the institution was concerned with their well-being.
On the other hand, as you rightly acknowledge, it is only thanks to the dedication of staff that, despite this very difficult context, EU policies have continued to be implemented for the benefit of European citizens.
Moreover, the staff deeply appreciated your recalling that it has also been the victim of successive statutory reforms which have led to an undoubted deterioration of working conditions with regard to wages, pensions, the extension of working hours, the increase of retirement age and the wage freeze for two consecutive years…
The consequences of this thoughtless degradation, particularly for new colleagues, have led to a loss of attractiveness of the European civil service to such an extent that, as you rightly recall, it has now become very difficult to attract the interest of the best candidates, particularly in several Member States.
In view of the above, and thanking you again for the clarity of your position, we would kindly ask you:
- to oppose, with the utmost determination, any further attempt to reduce and degrade the working conditions which the Council will not fail to implement in the framework of the MFF (multiannual financial framework), in order to further penalize our staff;
- to request DG HR to abandon, once and for all, empty slogans, which have no useful effect, in order to put in place genuine policies for staff and improve working conditions and career opportunities.
We do not want words, we want facts.
Facta non verba: let us make our institution a model and innovative employer by urgently reforming the personnel policy, including a genuine policy for risk prevention .
Cristiano Sebastiani
Mr J-C JUNCKER, President of the European Commission
Members of the College
M. A. ITALIANER, Secretary-General
Ms I. SOUKA, Director general DGHR
Commission staff
"School Enrolment and new Italian Mandatory Vaccinations"
the recent
Italian “Mandatory Vaccination Decree” (Decreto legge 7 giugno 2017 n.73) is a topic giving rise to many questions
and concerns for families, especially as regards their children's enrolment in
For this
reason we thought you would appreciate a summary (in English) of the obligations as detailed in the explanatory documents and Ministerial Circulars
so far provided by the Italian Ministry of Health.
collected information has been extracted from the Ministry of Health's Website:
If you need
further information the above mentioned website is a vital reference point, but
if you still have concerns please also feel free to contact the R&D secretariat (9645) in order to make an
appointment in our offices where we will be happy to be of further
Open letter to President Barroso
Brussels, 12 July 2016
Open letter to President Barroso
Mister President,
We are concerned to learn of your appointment as advisor and non-executive chairman of the activities of the US investment bank Goldman Sachs.
All the press across the European Union recalled the role of the bank especially in the context of the 2007 financial crisis and the Greek crisis and stressed the disastrous consequences for Commission and more broadly European Institutions image of your decision, in the particularly delicate and Europhobic political context of Brexit.
The staff of the institution that you chaired for ten years is thus a victim of your decision that takes only into account your own private interests, while the common decency should not have lead you to accept such a function.
However, we cannot stop there and ask you to give it up, notably under Article 245 TFEU which provides that:
“The Members of the Commission may not, during their term of office, engage in any other occupation, whether gainful or not. When entering upon their duties they shall give a solemn undertaking that, both during and after their term of office, they will respect the obligations arising therefrom and in particular their duty to behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance, after they have ceased to hold office, of certain appointments or benefits. In the event of any breach of these obligations, the Court of Justice may, on application by the Council acting by a simple majority or the Commission, rule that the Member concerned be, according to the circumstances, either compulsorily retired in accordance with Article 247 or deprived of his right to a pension or other benefits in its stead.”
And even if you have respected the eighteen-months rule which appears in the Code of Conduct for Commissioners, in the context of post-employment activities, Point 1.2 of the Code provides that “duty to behave with integrity and discretion pursuant to Article 245 of the Treaty (TFEU) even beyond the period of 18 months after ceasing to hold office” shall remain in effect.
In this case, the compatibility of the acceptance of this function within Goldman Sachs with the duties of integrity and discretion pursuant this Article clearly arises.
It is also in this sense that ruled today the European Ombudsman that has moreover requested to revise ethical rules in the light of recent events. But beyond a legal debate, it is a moral question first.
Given the political and moral responsibility of the members, former members and a fortiori former President of the Commission, we ask you to reconsider your decision.
Open letter to President Barroso
Mister President,
We are concerned to learn of your appointment as advisor and non-executive chairman of the activities of the US investment bank Goldman Sachs.
All the press across the European Union recalled the role of the bank especially in the context of the 2007 financial crisis and the Greek crisis and stressed the disastrous consequences for Commission and more broadly European Institutions image of your decision, in the particularly delicate and Europhobic political context of Brexit.
The staff of the institution that you chaired for ten years is thus a victim of your decision that takes only into account your own private interests, while the common decency should not have lead you to accept such a function.
However, we cannot stop there and ask you to give it up, notably under Article 245 TFEU which provides that:
“The Members of the Commission may not, during their term of office, engage in any other occupation, whether gainful or not. When entering upon their duties they shall give a solemn undertaking that, both during and after their term of office, they will respect the obligations arising therefrom and in particular their duty to behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance, after they have ceased to hold office, of certain appointments or benefits. In the event of any breach of these obligations, the Court of Justice may, on application by the Council acting by a simple majority or the Commission, rule that the Member concerned be, according to the circumstances, either compulsorily retired in accordance with Article 247 or deprived of his right to a pension or other benefits in its stead.”
And even if you have respected the eighteen-months rule which appears in the Code of Conduct for Commissioners, in the context of post-employment activities, Point 1.2 of the Code provides that “duty to behave with integrity and discretion pursuant to Article 245 of the Treaty (TFEU) even beyond the period of 18 months after ceasing to hold office” shall remain in effect.
In this case, the compatibility of the acceptance of this function within Goldman Sachs with the duties of integrity and discretion pursuant this Article clearly arises.
It is also in this sense that ruled today the European Ombudsman that has moreover requested to revise ethical rules in the light of recent events. But beyond a legal debate, it is a moral question first.
Given the political and moral responsibility of the members, former members and a fortiori former President of the Commission, we ask you to reconsider your decision.
Open space offices
Discussions about open space offices raise from time to time also at the JRC.
Here you can find a very interesting analysis published today by R&D.
Here you can find a very interesting analysis published today by R&D.
Use of national law contracts at the JRC: follow-up
relation to the national law contract issue, we wish to inform you that
this morning a technical concertation meeting with DG HR took place.
DG HR shares much of trade
unions' concern about the derogation requested by the JRC to make use of a
large number of national contracts (12% of staff). They stated that
derogations, if any, should be strictly limited.
Concluding the discussion, DG
HR confirmed that this issue will have to be discussed in September at
political level with VP Georgieva.
We'll continue to defend a
correct application of the Staff Regulation at the JRC and we'll keep you
R&D writes to the Secretary General on Dieselgate
Two weeks ago R&D sent a letter to the Secretary general in reference to the so-called
"Dieselgate" scandal. The impression that the Commission is giving in its handling of this matter is not entirely reassuring.
As a trade union we are particularly concerned with defending the rights
and good reputation of JRC staff who have worked meticulously, and we asked the
Secretary General what concrete actions are being taken to protect our
The Secretary
general has now replied to our letter confirming the
Commission's support for the JRC and for its personnel. Unfortunately though it is not clear that the Commission really understands the gravity of the situation.
In particular we wish to draw to your
attention this letter from
the EP EMIS committee of 2nd June in which EMIS
representatives appear critical of the JRC for an apparent retention of
information, opening the door to doubts about the transparency of the process. We believe that this criticism may damage
the JRC reputation even more than the scandal itself - the dividing line
between perception and reality is narrow.
In the meantime, articles continue to appear in the press questioning the management of this issue by all involved parties:
20.06.2016 Growing proof that EU suspected diesel fraud
believe that mistakes at this stage may cause a serious threat to the JRC and
the Commission, and further feed eurosceptic feelings throughout the continent. We call all those in key-functions to openly and transparently
collaborate with the inquiry body and to learn lessons for the future.
Brexit: consequences for UK officials
Upon request of the Alliance, Vice-President
Georgieva met the Trade unions on Friday 24 June to inform them about a
first analysis on the foreseeable consequences and immediate measures further to the decision of the British
citizens to leave the European Union. She wished to express the current deep sadness within the Commission, which now has to face an unprecedented situation.
Nevertheless, she stressed that the European project would go on. In fact, the history
of the last 50 years shows countless gains and achievements as to
economics, social rights and peace preservation.
At world level, by virtue of
its size and economic weight, the European Union has more opportunities to play
a significant role and has a greater influence than each single Member state
would have.
As to the UK officials of the European
Institutions, Vice-President Georgieva recalled the terms of the message sent the same day by the President of the Commission: « they are
EU agents and Brexit does not imply that the door would close on them; the Commission
will work together with the other European Institutions to ensure their
stability and continue counting on their outstanding talent, experience and
commitment. To summarize: same rights and obligations for all officials of the
European Union ».
Vice-President Georgieva also informed the Trade Unions of
the extraordinary European Council on Tuesday 28 June. She said
that the
Commission would immediately launch a “deep assessment” on “where we are and
where we are going”, and that the next months would be de facto a very
complicated period.
Pending the UK notification to leave the European
Union, which will activate the negotiations of the withdrawal Agreement in
accordance with Art. 50 of the EU Treaty, the Commission will draw up a
specific political agenda including the structural aspects that should result
from it, as to organization and functioning.
Transitory measures are not excluded, if we consider
that withdrawal negotiations can last up to 2 years, even
Although we admit that Vice President Georgieva promptly met the Trade Unions after the Brexit referendum, we pleaded for:
· the need for a dedicated social dialogue frame - Brexit-oriented - on a long term in
view of safeguarding colleagues’ acquired rights and legitimate
· the importance to learn from the Brexit in terms of communication to the
European citizens;
· a re-invigorated defence of the gains and achievements of the European
Union in the political, economic, social and cultural fields;
· the implementation of an organizational and functioning stable framework as a necessary measure anticipating
the consequences of the Brexit on the structure of our Institution.
its strong interinstutional and “multi-area” presence, we as Alliance will ensure that proper and strict
respect is given to the general interest of the European citizens by means of an autonomous, competent and independent public function, as a key instrument of the achievement
process of the European project.
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