For the preparation of the open competition EPSO AST-SC/10/20 SECRETARIES (SC 1/SC 2) R&D and its team of highly qualified trainers will offer a preparatory training session in English.
The session will focus on the pre-selection tests - PROFESSIONAL SKILLS
Please find the details below:
Date |
Time |
Topics |
Trainer |
Location |
20.10.2020 |
17:30 – 19:00 |
Accuracy & Precision ·
Prioritising &
Organising |
Frédéric Maillet |
Webinar |
We invite you to register for the training session by sending an e-mail to :
JRC-RD-ISPRA@ec.europa.eu - by 12.10.2020 noon.
Our trainings are FREE for R&D members and those who wish to join us.
If you are not yet a member and wish to benefit from our trainings and other services, we will be glad to welcome you. Join our Union, Become a Member
All registered participants will receive a confirmation and details to access the webinar!
Questions or comments? Don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail at JRC-RD-ISPRA@ec.europa.eu or call our office : Ext. 9645 (Monday to Friday 9:00 - 13:00)
Your R&D Team
Reply from Mr Quest dated 19/08/2020 to the R&D Note "JERB -Nutcracker or Sledgehammer""
The Director-General
Brussels, 19/08/2020
Dear Mr Tirendi, dear Mr Kenny,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the upcoming launch of the JRC Editorial Review Board.
When I was first briefed about the introduction of a clear editorial review policy in the JRC with the newly created editorial board, I felt that my predecessors had taken an important and well thought through initiative. As a result, we now have an authorisation process with all steps necessary to be able to take full responsibility, as an organisation, for the science and knowledge that we produce. That is a professional approach appropriate for a Commission service.
My predecessor reacted to most of your questions in an earlier letter and I fully agree with her arguments. The editorial review streamlines the JRC’s publication procedure for scientific manuscripts. It is a tailor-made process, well-documented, transparent with the same criteria across the whole organisation and the shortest possible delay.
That said, I understand that some concerns persist as regards issues have been raised in the past, for instance during the JRC Scientific Integrity Road Show in 2018/2019.We are therefore going to make an additional effort to clarify all questions raised through the planned communication campaign, so as to ensure that the finer points of the editorial review are fully understood by everyone.
From September, the Editorial Board - Koen Jonkers and his team - will continue with a series of meetings with directorates and units where they will discuss the details of the new process. They have already launched their website on Connected, which also deals with frequently asked questions, such as for example the review for articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Our objective remains for the editorial review to start immediately after the September campaign. We believe that it has been designed in a way to fit well with our work, but will of course keep it under careful review in the initial phase. We will also ensure that the process is evaluated in due course, so as to assess its performance, costs, benefits and any potential adjustment needs.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen QUEST
c.c.: B. Magenhann, D. Al Khudhairy, M. Landabaso Alvarez, P. Szymanski, G. De Santi, D. Chirondojan, G. Van den Eede, M. Betti, P. Duponteil, K. Maruszewski, X. Troussard.
JERB - Nutcracker or Sledgehammer? - Note to the attention of Mr S. Quest - DG of JRC
Note from Mr Quest, DG JRC in reply to the R&D Note _ A VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF THE ISPRA SITE
Reference: Ares(2020)3730594
take good note of the fact that you are now reverting to this matter in the new context of the
Oettinger and Navracsics and former Vice-President Georgieva. Suffice it to say that the JRC is
generally considered to have achieved major progress in recent years in positioning itself as
strategic partner of the Commission and its policymaking. It has also built up its site
management services to a high level of expertise and professionalism. Having said that, I also
next MFF and, as you know, the negotiation of the specific sectoral programmes (including
Horizon and Euratom), and the available budgets, have yet to be finalised. We are also still
circumstances improve later on this year and I finally get the opportunity to travel to the Ispra
Some flaws but many virtues of one of the best administrations in the world: the EU
Some flaws but many virtues of one of the best administrations in the world: the EU
Interview of "IL Riformista" to Cristiano Sebastiani, President of R&D Brussels.
Read full article (Italian version only)
1. Free the JRC to focus on its role to underpin and enhance policy-making through high quality science delivering data, knowledge and options for action. Science services go beyond mere explorative research, and routine tasks not compatible with the JRC strategy can be entrusted to the direct control of policy DGs, which ensures the highest policy impact1. These staff should nevertheless be located at Ispra to maximise interaction and information exchange;
3. The Ispra site already hosts a very advanced crisis management infrastructure, and can provide increased resilience through decentralisation and geo-distribution of vital Commission services, thus guaranteeing business continuity in case of extreme events impeding their normal functioning at other major locations;
4. Renaissance of the idea of applied science diplomacy, as formulated in the treaties, making the Ispra site the hub of an active partnership between Europe, Africa and the Middle East;
5. The enabling factor: from "OIB and JRC site management" to OII (Office Infrastructure for Ispra). A neutral and independent management of the site infrastructure guarantees harmonised services to any DG that wishes to host staff at the Ispra site. We are thinking, for example, of EUROPOL, for whom a specially constructed facility has been created at Ispra.
President, R&D Ispra Political Secretary, R&D Ispra
Annex – Supporting information and links to previous communications with Commissioners
1 While in the JRC implementation review 2017 some of these activities are flagged for possible outsourcing, we consider more reasonable and effective to attach them and their related staff directly to the relevant policy DG (In some cases, legal constraints make externalisation impossible).