Italian course for beginners
An Italian course for beginners will start on Wednesday 6th October. If you don't have access to the language course organised by the JRC or if you don't have time for it, you could consider the R&D course.
The course of 10 lessons will be held twice a week on Monday and Wednesday from 12.00 to 13.30 in building 63. The course is only for R&D members and costs Euro 20,- (R&D inscription fee not included).
If you are interested, you can contact the R&D secretariat at Building 63 or by phone 9342:
From Monday to Wednesday from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 16.00
Thursday from 09.00 to 12.30
Improve your English - German language skills
If you are interested, you are invited to contact the R&D secretariat for an appointment with a teacher (native speaker) to determine your level and to agree on the next steps.
You can contact the R&D secretariat at Building 63 or by phone 9342:
From Monday to Wednesday from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 14.00 to 16.00
Thursday from 09.00 to 12.30
Purchasing power Varese
We are sorry to inform you that our doubts about the correctness of the establishment of the Correction Coefficient (CC) for Varese are growing more and more.
Although the yet to be established CC is still confidential and not official, we are very worried that we might see a dramatic and unjustified decrease of income for statutory staff in service in Ispra.
Our retired colleagues are covered by the CC for Italy (mainly based on the CC of Rome ). This general CC has proven already to reflect the real cost-of-living situation in Ispra much better. Also our colleagues in Parma and Turin enjoy a much higher CC than we do.
There is little hope that we will receive support from others to address and mitigate the problem, and although we will thoroughly review the data used, we are afraid that the current political climate won't leave much space for major improvements.
Fact is that the specific CC for Varese (as opposed to the more general CC for Italy) does exist and that according to Annex XI Chapter 4 Article 9 of the Staff Regulations the Commission is even requested to present a proposal to create a specific CC for a selected place of employment if Eurostat confirms that the difference to the CC of the Member State concerned is appreciable (more than 5%) and sustainable.
So even if a CC for Varese were not in effect, the Commission would have the obligation to propose one if according to Eurostat the local CC were above 105% or below 95%.
The same article in the Staff Regulations foresees that a local CC already in place can only be repealed if the difference compared to the CC of the Capital of the Member State concerned is no longer significant and less than 2%.
Conclusion: our statutory possibilities are very limited.
R&D will now seek legal advice in order to study the options and possibilities to start a legal action on two subjects:
a) If the CC for Varese were to drop dramatically, ISTAT data should confirm that this constitutes "deflation" for Varese , which according our information is clearly not the case.
b) There is a major discrimination between active and retired staff living in the same place by awarding them different CCs. This fact alone already demonstrates in our opinion the blatant incorrectness of the system in place.
We would like to thank you for being a member of our Trade Union and we hope that you do agree that we will use a part of our financial reserves to finance legal action if decided so by our R&D Committee.
Please don't shoot the messenger...
Clarifications on the future of the JRC
We are convinced that this video message is a clear indication of our Commissioner's commitment to the JRC and her willingness for a constructive dialogue.
R&D is pleased to see the important role of the JRC as a Directorate General at the centre of the European Science Policy explicitly confirmed and we consider it a welcome support to our strategy of insisting on the organising new Open Competitions in order to give more colleagues with temporary contracts the possibility to become Civil Servants. R&D is confident that the scientific AD competitions will be published in September.
We expect big changes within the entire research sector over the coming weeks. However we also have to draw your attention that the most painful part of the current reorganisation still has to come, especially in those units where a staff reduction has been foreseen and big installations are at risk.As you can see, our efforts to strengthen the position of DG JRC within the European Commission have led to tangible results. We really welcome the video presentation of our Commissioner, to a certain extent repeated also today in "Die Welt".
R&D BXL message "JRC: Could you become a Director some day?"
You might have read the message of R&D Brussels: "JRC: Pourriez-vous un jour devenir Directeur? ** JRC: Could you become a Director some day?"
and you might have tried the links. Unfortunately due to the high number of colleagues trying to click the links, the server went down. We would like to apologise for this inconvenience and ask you to try it again.
JRC: Pourriez-vous un jour devenir Directeur? (FR)
JRC: Could you become a Director some day? (EN)
and you might have tried the links. Unfortunately due to the high number of colleagues trying to click the links, the server went down. We would like to apologise for this inconvenience and ask you to try it again.
JRC: Pourriez-vous un jour devenir Directeur? (FR)
JRC: Could you become a Director some day? (EN)
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