Strike on 26/6

At this moment the technical reading of “the proposal” for the amendment of the Staff Regulations is going on and we don’t know yet what the outcome will be. It looks like the current proposal may be subject to further changes. Though we think that a detailed understanding should be the basis for the decision to strike or not, R&D Brussels (under umbrella of the Front Commun Intersyndical) calls for a strike tomorrow. We, R&D Ispra, haven’t made an in depth analysis of the consolidated compromise yet, but considering the limited time we express our loyalty to the position of R&D Brussels. As already communicated in previous messages the decision to strike or not is totally yours. At this link you may find the full text of the proposed modifications of the staff regulations that could be of help for you to decide.

Our consideration on a possible strike

We have received several questions from members on the position of R&D Ispra considering the message of Vice President Šefčovič and the strike notice that was issued by the trade unions. Based on what Šefčovič said R&D Ispra thinks that it is worthwhile to wait for the final texts and the outcome of tomorrow’s trilogue before calling for a strike. If a final agreement is along the lines explained by Mr Šefčovič we believe that it is – although certainly not ideal - a realistic and acceptable compromise. If however, the devil is indeed in the detail and the final texts deviate significantly and negatively from what is on the table now, the option for a strike is still open.
We’ll keep you informed in the following days.

Latest news about annual salary adaptation

We are glad to inform you that the hearing before the Court for the case Commission vs. Council on the 2011 salary adaptation will take place on July 2.
The sentence will most probably be given after the summer. Note that the hearing of 2 July concerns only 1 out of the 3 actions (2 lodged by the Commission and 1 by the Council) currently pending for the 2011 salary adaptation.
In case the Commission wins (the 3 actions), it means that all staff will be entitled to a salary increase of 1,7% , less 0,4% for Ispra-based staff due to a slight decrease of our Varese 2011 correction coefficient.  The net 1,3% increase would normally apply retroactively as from July 1, 2011, but we don't know if any interest could also be added.
Similar cases are still pending for the 2012 salary adaptation (+1,7% and +1,5% correction coefficient) and the reduction in pension contribution (2011: -0,3% and 2012: -1%). R&D will keep you informed of future developments.

Update: trilogue reform

This morning we attended a meeting with Mr. Frutuoso de Melo (Deputy Director General DG HR) to update staff representatives on the discussions of yesterday’s trilogue.
The main topic discussed in the trilogue was the method for the annual salary adaptation. An agreement now seems to be possible on a proposal from the European Parliament which is very close to the initial proposal of the Commission. The main change would be the presence of a “moderation” clause according to which the adaptation would be split into two halves when the increase of purchasing power is over 2% (half paid on 1st July of year before - as was the case with the previous method - and half paid on 1st April of the current year).
This moderation clause is only related to the change of purchasing power, the inflation would always be reflected in the annual salary adaptation. It was explained that this moderation clause, if it had already existed over the past 20 year period, would have been applied only one time, in 2009.
The topics for discussion at next week’s trilogue will focus on careers and pensions. Regarding careers, the EP might also be open to negotiate with the Council a link between high AD grades and responsibilities.
Concerning other measures, the Commission is maintaining its position.

R&D training for open competitions

R&D is happy to organise a training course for those who are participating in the EPSO Open Competitions. The course will be given in English by our trainer Anne Draime. The schedule is as follows:

Thursday 16th May: 9 – 13; 14.30 – 16.30

Study of competencies

In-tray (only AST 3)

Case Study (AST3 / AD5)

Friday 17th May: 9 – 13; 14.30 – 16.30

Oral presentation (AD 5)

Group Exercise (AST 3/AD 5)

Structured interview (AST 3/AD 5)

If you are interested in participating please fill in the form at this page.

R&D members can join the course on payment of a €20 fee and have priority for registration. Non-members are welcome to participate on payment of a €60 fee.

JSIS - Cassa Malattia

During our last R&D Cafè (see slides at this link) we presented the Article 90 complaint recently submitted against the new JSIS parity coefficients and a new template for use by all staff for further Article 90 complaints against specific expense claim settlements.
If you have undergone problems with specific reimbursements (medical treatments now negatively affected by the new coefficients are marked red at this link) you can now lodge your own complaint by using the document at this link.
We take the opportunity to thank all our colleagues who filled in our JSIS Survey.

We are happy to give all staff our support with this important topic. 

Furthermore, R&D is now pleased to offer our members a dedicated Help-Desk concerning problems encountered with the service offered by them: please feel free to pass by the Secretariat or to make an appointment with our R&D colleagues if you wish to avail of this service. We’ll do our best to help you and try to find a solution, and your privacy will be safeguarded at all times. 

Nuovo distaccamento di vigili del fuoco

Un nuovo distaccamento di vigili del fuoco in provincia di Varese. Sorgerà aIspra, all’interno del CCR

Read the full article